What would you do if you found out your friend had a crush on your girlfriend?

  1. Well they do have a crush on my girlfriend. They can’t do anything rather than watching me kiss her.

  2. Who was that guy that did a top 40 song about this in the 80s I think my dad has the album. I remember hearing it.

  3. Think I’d just make sure he was going to be able to respect she’s with me and still be okay being my friend.

  4. I would totally understand and I’ve seen it happen before. Why? Because she’s very charismatic and has a magnetic personality. But there’s a difference between a little harmless crushing and making a pass.

  5. Not sure, but if there’s a knock at the door and she answers and I ask who it is and she says it’s Christmas carolers, I damn sure am getting up to doublecheck that.

  6. That’s okay, I trust my friend.

    And we can always have a threesome, I’m open to that. But only with my best friend cuz it has to be a guy I trust 100%.

  7. as his love is fastly asleep at night , i sit in a comvy chair at night in the living room next to a phone . pick up the phone and dail a number and hold the horn next to my ear . listends for a few moments befor i speak – i like to place a contract , 10.000 is the prize , mhm the target we discused earlyer , thx – lays down the phone and lids a sigaret whit a smug grin and evil glint in my eyes .

  8. Be ok with it and tell him if he gets a gf I crush on, I will talk to mine about swinging

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