I recently moved from an old neighborhood near a medium sized downtown, now on a mountain side a few miles from a small town. I honestly don’t know which I prefer quite yet.

  1. in the country, no neighbors, I can walk out to the hot tub or the pool nude and no one is there to see or care.

  2. That’s the damn thing. I want the comforts of downtown living but I want the night sky in all its splendor. I *seriously* wish it were just illegal and heavily penalized to have lights on (visible from outdoors) after like 10pm.

  3. Far enough away from civilization that you can’t see your neighbors from your property but close enough that it’s only like a 10 minute drive to the grocery store and you don’t lose power for more than a few hours during a storm.

  4. In a neighborhood, about a quarter mile from a few restaurants and such.

    On a nice day I can walk the kiddos to school, take a loop past the diner for a leisurely breakfast, take some coffee to go and sit in the park for a bit then stroll home. But I’m a few quiet streets away from any traffic and we’ve all got enough yard to. It be in our neighbor’s business.

  5. I just bought a house in a somewhat quiet neighborhood within a big city. I’m able to walk to bars and restaurants, then come home to most times quiet. Love it.

  6. Small Town in Scotland because I’ve found through experience, that I am not a city person, nor do I actually want to live in America for any longer than I have to.

  7. I actually like old-growth residential areas that were built before the switch to suburban sprawl. Think streetcar suburbs or areas built up until the 1940s.

  8. I personally hate living in a busy city. I like suburban neighborhoods but the downside is sirens, dogs, neighbors, etc. but it’s not as bad as living “in” the city. My dream is to live in the country

  9. Lake Tahoe. Mountain towns are just different. If you’re not a peace with yourself, you will be!

  10. A nice cozy cabin on the side of a snowy mountain… secluded and isolated… but still able to order a pizza and have it arrive in 30 minutes.

  11. Suburbs. I like modern comforts and job opportunities, but I don’t like apartment living.

  12. In the middle of 10,000 acres of untouched wilderness, while still being a 10 minute drive to town

  13. Honestly if I could be as picky as I want and money wasn’t a limiting factor I’d go for a Bojack Horseman living situation:


    – Up on a hill with a view overlooking the city and scenery below from the most frequently-occupied side of the house. I might not need a pool but I would like some beautifully landscaped garden out the front and back since I’m a garden fanatic and want all sorts of exotic, eye-catching trees around (but none in the way of the view).

    – Neighbours, if any – aren’t too close. I’m fine with neighbours if they (and their dogs) are quiet and don’t let their homes turn into filthy eyesores. But I would like some privacy where I know I can walk past a window naked or even out into the backyard without being seen.

    – Warm, sunny climate. Big part of the reason why is my already mentioned love of unusual plants. I want lots of palms, cacti, succulents and more of these weird and wonderful plants I’m lucky to be able to grow where I love now. Plus I love the sunshine, being outdoors or just having the windows open and I *hate* the cold.

    – Preferably a linear house design and plot to match to maximize the amount if rooms that could have windows on both sides and can open up to the outdoors.


    Where would I have it? Well the climate here in Sydney is pretty much perfect for what I want. I already have a garden full of palms, succulents, cacti, tropical foliage and Australian natives here now. But I’m on the “cheap” south-west end of Sydney at the moment. It’s a flat, boring, repetitive suburban sprawl that gets hotter, noisier and more crowded every year. I’d move to the northern beaches or eastern suburbs where the terrain is a bit hillier and if you got the money for it (VERY expensive real estate there) you can get sweet views of either the city, the harbour, the beaches or national parks if you can outbid the several dozen other multi-millionaires after the same property lol (this is depressing, I could win lotto and *still* not have a sure thing shot at where I want to live). If I went international then I guess in the hills of LA or Palm Springs or wherever Bojack’s place is inspired from. I’ve never been but I’ve seen pictures of homes in those places and I can see why people pay so much to live there. Great views and even better weather and enough land to have a proper garden and privacy but not having to be way out in the bumfuck nowhere to have it.

  14. My optimal house location is up in the mountains at least 10-15 outside the city and a couple of acres away from my nearest neighbor.

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