What was your first drunken experience like?

  1. a drank actual moonshine at a family cook out one night and fucking i dont remember shit about the night after my 5/6 drink of the bottle. good times

  2. Out of control. Dad basically pump me up with alcohol every day once I woke up. I should mention we went to Vegas and gambled. Last day of drunkardness was when I went at it with punching my father. One of his friends did something and I thought it was him. I was pissed. Then the had to shove me off and hold me down. Went and sobered up in my hotel room.

  3. It was pretty good…I was a late bloomer in high school and it was the last big party and I decided it was time.

    I did it fairly responsibly and had a great night and I remember walking home thinking drinking was the best. Didn’t really drink again until the fall when I went to college….the second time wasn’t so good haha.

  4. This happened in the early 80’s. Had a great night drinking around the kitchen table with some buddies shooting the shit, listening to loud rock music on the radio, and making the occasional prank call. Then in an early example of bad decision making I threw up in the bathroom sink and passed out in the hallway. Woke up the next morning with a wicked hangover and had to clean up a huge mess. But it was a great time.

  5. When I was 16.Half a bottle of Windsor camping in the woods and listening to me and my friend puke all night.I woke up with a horrible hang over and a pine needle puke beard…yea fun times 🤣

  6. Was at a friend’s house, and I zoomed right past buzzed into very drunk, got loud, dizzy and felt like shit, even at the time I was like “well this just sucks, I don’t see the point”. So I kept to my 2-3 drink maximum since then, because I feel miserable and shitty enough while sober, thanks.

  7. The first time I drank I didn’t get drunk, but my first drunk experience was good overall. Had fun, laughed at my own stupid jokes, had trouble walking, fell down a lot and then I ended up monologing myself into a sort of existential crisis and then I just ugly cried for a hot minute because “I don’t wanna die” and “you only get one [life]”

  8. A threesome with playboy models in Vegas.

    Lies of course. I was at home and had recently started drinking at the age of 24. Unfortunately my tolerance skyrocketed in just a few months and I had 3 shots and barely got a buzz so I took back to back shots.

    Needless to say the world was spinning and vomited my lunch and evening meal

  9. I have waited years to tell this story.

    It was January of 1986, I had just graduated navy boot camp in San Diego. I had drank before I joined the navy but I had never gotten shit faced staggering drunk.

    At that time anyone who was enlisted could drink on base regardless of age. I went to the EM club and got plastered, I mean shit faced drunk.

    I do not remember how I got back to my barracks, I do remember crawling thru the barracks to the head (Navy talk for bathroom) and puking my guts up, over and over and over. I heard this deep booming voice saying “ did you learn a lesson? I bet you never drink like that again! “ and other words of mocking encouragement. After what seemed like forever I guess I had puked as much as I could. I vaguely remember feeling like I was floating for a little bit. The next day when I woke up I was on my rack, ( bed) with a trash can by my head.

    I felt like death. At some point I realized my wallet and all my money was missing. About that time I was called to the barracks office to see the duty section leading petty officer. I was pretty sure I was screwed. Now remember I had been out of boot camp about 36 hours at this point. I was terrified as a banged on the office door yelling my name and reporting as ordered sir. A voice said come in, it was the same deep booming voice from the night before. The owner of the voice was the biggest black man I had ever seen. I am saying the race not because I am now racist in any way but at that time being a 17 year old white boy from the south I did unfortunately have some wrong ideas that were getting ready to be proven so very wrong.

    Petty Officer Kingman said sit down and told me I did not have to do that boot camp shit. He said that I looked like shit and got me a glass of water and some Tylenol. He then took my wallet out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me (All of the money was in it) .

    Then he told me that he had stood behind me while I was puking the night before, cleaned me up when I was done and put me in my rack, he took my wallet so no one else would steal it. He told me never to drink alone, having a few drinks was fun but getting as drunk as I did would do nothing but cause me trouble. He gave me the great advice of drinking as much water as I was alcohol in the future to avoid feeling the way I did at that moment. I was still thinking I was in trouble so I finally asked him if I was. He laughed and said no, that young sailors do stupid shit and he was my shipmate and that shipmates looked out for each other.

    I have never gotten that drunk again. In my Naval career I found myself taking care of a few drunk new sailors and I always thought about what Petty Officer Kingman said to me. He was a student at the school I attending, he had been in the Navy for 4 years and was at the beginning of his second enlistment. We both ended up on the same ship and became friends.

    To this day I cannot stand the smell or taste of Budweiser.

  10. “Why tf do people like this it’s just numbness, weed it is” I didn’t realize theres a window of dopamine where weed the more you take the better you feel

  11. Burnett’s Vodka & FourLoko

    Got so drunk I called my girlfriend and side thing over to my house at the same time.

  12. To say the least i got laid then proceeded to go outside at 2am and commit a felony 🤣

  13. It was in high school

    I felt really happy and open-minded then. We were dancing a lot with my friends 😀

  14. Was never much of a drinker still not much of a drinker. We were getting ready to to deploy and my Marines decided to take me out and get me drunk. It was one hell of a night. I met this cougar that was in her forties I was 21 at the time. We were talking at the bar hanging out next thing I know I’m at her place getting laid. First time getting drunk and first time getting laid all on the same night one hell of an evening.

  15. 14 years old, at the 16th birthday party of a good friend in the local church property… side house? Idk how to call that one properly.

    Danced a lot, had a good time, stumbled home (lived like 5 mins away by foot). All was well.

  16. I was 19 in my friend’s parent’s basement on NYE with a group of friends. We got drunk on cheap vodka with with a fruity mixer, and played video games. That was decades ago and still friends with all of those guys. Fun times!

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