I’m thinking of asking this girl out but, I can’t think of any proper ideas. I wanted to take her to a movie but everyone on Reddit seems to say that a movie is bad because you don’t talk. We are both teens and can’t drive so it needs to be something achievable. And I don’t really feel like mini golf will cut it for a first date as it seems a bit cringe and I don’t want to put her off. Are movies really a bad idea? Andy other suggestions?

Thanks for help

  1. First date? Yes, movie dates are shitty for the first date. You can’t talk and get to know each other at a movie.

  2. Mini golf is better than a movie, but you can go get an ice cream/burger, boba…the objective is to talk/have fun and get to know each other. You’ve already been told movie isn’t a great first date yet here you are…fixated on the laziest worst first date idea

  3. Terrible idea
    Anything else will work. Walk, coffee, drink etc

    Somewhere where you can talk and look at each other.

  4. Movies are good. It cuts any initial awkwardness and gives you a shared experience to discuss. Just plan dinner/drinks/ice cream after so you have a chance to chat.

    I think mini golf is a good date too. Shared experience stimulates conversation.

    Plus, if it doesn’t work out at least you got to go to a movie or mini golfing!

  5. Depends . Is she really into movies and wants to see a specific one ?? if so it would be a good way to show her you are into exploring her interests. Maybe a dinner / lunch / coffee date and a walk to the movies sounds perfectly fine. You guys get to talk , flirt , get to know a little about each other and look forward to a movie to end the date .

  6. A movie’s fine. especially for shy people (way less talking expected). I’d of thought mini-golf was perfect (but, that’s just me).

    Does your area have other stuff? (go-Karts, bowling, axe throwing, whatever) Weather permitting even a walk/hike and/or picnic.

    And then there’s the classic lunch or dinner date (more talking’s expected, a bit more pressure imo).

  7. do you know this girl, like are you reasonable acquainted? or is this almost a stranger? if it’s the former just go to the movies, mate. latter and you probably need something more social like coffee or playing pool.

  8. No. The movie date has Always been a great team date. Cheap, you can talk about the movie so it motivates conversation, and you can always go get an ice cream or some pizza afterwards, and it still cheap.

  9. I’ve had a lot of great mini golf dates. You can make fun of yourself for chubbed shots and you can ask her to hold your balls.

    That said, if you feel confident enough to ask her to hold your balls at a movie, go for it, and my hat’s off to you…

  10. You’re a teenager. Generally I would say no to a first date at a movie , but that’s how it starts when you’re a kid! Sitting there next your date – not watching or taking in one single thing about what you’re viewing…all you’re thinking about is that kiss, or physical contact of some sort. Good luck bro

  11. Yes. You can’t talk to someone and get to know them at a movie. Movies are a horrible idea for a first date. Do something simple like going out for a burger or to chain restaurant. First dates should be an opportunity for you to talk to and get to know someone.

  12. Honesty mate, it’s irrelevant, if the person is into you they’re going to be into you no matter what you plan. Movie, coffee etc doesn’t really matter. First dates are hit and miss anyway and most of the time there isn’t much you do wrong just not a vibe

  13. For first few dates yes.

    You don’t know each other and you can’t talk and you’re sitting there for 2+ hours.

  14. Movie as a first date are not that great imo. You’re just sitting there not enaging .

  15. “. I wanted to take her to a movie…”

    “We are both teens and can’t drive so it needs to be something achievable…”

    Going to movies for a date as teenagers is perfectly acceptable.

    Especially if it’s a movie you both have been wanting to see.

    You can make it a matinee and then have a light lunch afterwards.

    Other possibilities might be things she has told you *she enjoys* doing for fun.

    A failure to communicate is a common mistake many people make with dating ideas.

    Simply asking people what they enjoy doing for fun when getting to know them helps a lot.

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