i’m (22f) and my boyfriend (21m) recently started getting serious about our relationship since we met young and had to overcome so many obstacles , i’ve been around his family for 2 yrs + and recently he told me about a private conversation his mom brought up to him asking about his “bestfriend” that he had relations with saying she “missed” the girl and asked “what happened between them” it’s just weird to me be what would be the reason for bringing this up 2+ years after he hasn’t talked to her … he did explain to her that it was a pick and choose situation and he chose to be with me … l’m just confused about this situation, am i overthinking it or is this weird

TL;DR: I want everyone’s opinion please

1 comment
  1. I think you’re focusing on the wrong thing (his mother bringing up his ex to him in private, which I guess sucks but is whatever) instead of the actual issue (why on earth did he share this with you?).

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