So I walked in the room and I saw my girlfriend quickly swiping to a different app on her phone in a rush like she was scared. I asked her what was up? To her reply “im Snap Snapchatting my sister in-law”. To me the way she behaved was kinda shady so I asked if I could see. At first she outright refused then after multiple requests she caved, opening her phone away from me. My response was to sit beside her so I could see her open it. Now I don’t use Snapchat, never cared for it by the way. When she opened it I noticed that her sister in-law wasn’t even at the top of her list, it was some person I didn’t know. I said that’s not your sister in-law. She gave me some excuse but claimed it was a dude’s girlfriend who uses his snapchat “umm ok sure i’ll play along show me the chat then?” “no” she says, immediately that threw a red flag for me and I asked why and she couldn’t come up with any reason as to why she couldn’t click his name and pull up the chat. The one thing she tried was to tell me that it’s snapchat, it deletes the messages I was like “ok show me the blank screen?” no again so this goes on and on me asking and her just outright refusing. I’ve never been on her phone although she will sneak on my phone all the time. I eventually left the room to calm down and came back a min or two later. She deleted the chat at that time.

Later she tells me that she was talking to a guy and not his girlfriend but it was platonic i.e music and stuff. I don’t believe her on the basis of it it was a platonic conversation why hide it from me you know? Why fight tooth and nail for me not to see the chat? I eventually left to clear my head and I came back and she had left to stay at her brother’s house. At this point I told her that I was basically done in the relationship. The next day she apologized saying that she should have shown me the conversation and she was sorry. It’s too late I say because she deleted the whole thing so I don’t know. She offered to pull the snapchat data on her phone but everyone i asked told me that i can easily be altered.

I’ve been in this relationship for 3 years and she has done something similar in the past ( I caught her messaging and hanging out with another guy before) funny enough she also claimed that it was platonic and they only talked about work and stuff, she hid that for about a month before a friend told me. I’m really at a loss. I don’t know how to handle this. Should I just dump her? help…

  1. Yes, do dump her. No need to prove anything you know she is cheating and that is enough. Don’t play games or try to convince her, just break and find someone better.

  2. She cheats on you because she knows you let her get away with it. This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last time until you dump her.

  3. She is repeatedly cheating on you. I think it is time you leave. You deserve better.

  4. The reason why you are hesitating dumping her os because you have been with her 3 years. Those years are lost now. Just make sure you don’t waste any more time on her.

  5. Well you both handled that the wrong way. You have zero right to see her private conversations, and saying “well if you have nothing to hide then why not show me?” is the most toxic and manipulative way to get things your way and leave the other person feeling utterly used.

    Regardless of if she has something to hide or not. You’re clearly not right for each other if she’s texting another dude and you’re checking each others phones like this. Why even stay together with someone you don’t trust. Just leave and you can both be happy.

  6. When you said I was done with the relationship, please mean it as there’s no relationship left for you both based on the details that you have shared.

  7. There are partners who are NOT shady like this. 3 years is a long time, but a lifetime is much longer. Cut your losses now, and find someone who respects you.

  8. Look man, even if it IS platonic (which it wasn’t) she is enjoying the attention and hiding it from you. Reason enough to break up. But, trust me, it wasn’t platonic. So, run.

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