Who was that person you swore you’d never end up like when you get older?

  1. I used my father as a role model for everything NOT to be when I grew up. Doing that works pretty well.

  2. Nobody, because I learned at a young age never judge another. “He who is free of sin cast the first stone”.

  3. Parts of each of my parents.

    Dad was not emotionally available and not that um confident?

    Mom was an alcoholic abuser who was quick to rage.

  4. Another vote for my dad. An alcoholic & drug addict who drove drunk, had an accident in his mid -30s and then spent the rest of his life in a group managed care home unable to walk, barely able to speak and having his food blended and his drinks thickened because he could barely swallow.

  5. TL;DR: any bad/evil person.

    Well that strikes a chord in me… So, at a young age, I realized something about myself: I’m not a good person. No matter how much good I do, there’s always “evil” in my heart. I *strongly* desire for my enemies and anyone else I consider evil, to suffer and die.

    This desire sort of scares me, for lack of a better word. So even with this desire always in my heart, I try to only ever do neutral or good actions. The person Child-Me wanted to avoid becoming was my unfettered self.

  6. My dad… but maybe not for reasons others have.

    I’m 99% sure he has some undiagnosed issues… maybe on the spectrum or some type of ocd or adhd. Either way, life just seemed so difficult for him as I grew up. Normal problems, which most people don’t even realize occur, are just ground zero to him.

    I don’t think I would have ever ended up like him anyway, but when I was growing up I did everything I could not to have those qualities.

    I will say, though, he’s a great person and now that I’m older and have a bit more perspective, I do appreciate the traits he passed down to me and just feel bad that he has to live life the way he does.

  7. not talking about anyone in specific, but i swear to myself that I’ll never be a bitter individual

    i love love and I’m happy to be happy!

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