What would you do if money didn’t exist in this world?

  1. I’d still want to work in the industry I’m planning to work in. I’m studying comp sci and planning to do my master’s in robotics. I feel like robotics will be an important industry over the next 50 years and I want to help shape the future. The high pay is a bonus but not the reason.

  2. Starve and die of exposure, probably, since I don’t really have anything of interest to trade for goods and services.

  3. Grow veggies, bake, garden, paint, write, host parties with friends, rear animals, go for nature walks, make things, rear children with love, enjoy life, nature, and the people around me.

  4. Exist in whatever economic system we were using that didn’t include monetary exchange. Beyond that, it would depend on what system we were using.

  5. Steal a house probably.
    Like couldn’t buy one with money and now there’s no money so what else can I do?

  6. Steal all the Monopoly games, and create a percieved value around monopoly money, that I can then exchange for goods and services.

  7. Pretty much exactly what I’m doing now, just without stressing about money. Love my job and all my hobbies, I’d keep doing all of it even if I didn’t have bills to pay.

  8. No money? I am going shopping so I can do my hobbies and not going to no college take some time to relax for once lol

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