I am falling in love with her and she likes me too, but not enough for us to be a couple. We decided on ending things because she doesn’t want a relationship but there are no bad vibes at all between us.
So we decided on meeting one last time before we end everything.

Do you think it’s a good idea?
Spending one last nice day together and ending it on high note.

Or does it make everything just more complicated after the “breakup” because we really enjoyed each others company and we would miss it?

  1. Dude reminds me of my past flings. Specifically one from last year. We had decided to have one last dance. She has kids and well I am on a different path in life but she was a down to earth kind of woman. Boy was she a freak. Glad I got videos out of it. If it’s gonna be the last time, you gotta give it all to her

  2. You’re going to make it harder for yourself to move past her, and “ending it on a high note” is indulgent more so than healthy. It’s not really fair on you either considering the other person is aware of your *stronger* feelings for her than her own for you, and has still agreed to having sex with you, even if it is intended to be the last.

    tl;dr: make it easier for yourself and move on, rather than sex and have a harder time moving on.

  3. do what you want, but depending on ur personality, it’s probably gonna make it harder for u, especially if you like her more than she likes you.

    this might be petty, but don’t give her the satisfaction. on her end, it might be like “awe, he’s gonna have one more sweet night with me, I’m gonna get what I want and then I’ll get to move forward” but for you, it’s going to be in the back of your mind the whole time. “This is our last time together.” That sucks. You’ll feel a pressure to make it meaningful and special, and I don’t think she deserves that if she’s the reason you have to end things anyways.

    again, it’s your call, but i would cancel. say something like “you know, I really wanted to see you but I need to preserve my own feelings for someone else starting now. you know I care about you but I’m not going to make this any harder on myself. take care of yourself” or something like that. It’s going to be hard either way, so I’m what way do you want to look back on the experience?

  4. Does it sound logical to you? No? Me neither. You’re just seeking the same release of serotonin/dopamine. Discipline yourself and walk away if she doesn’t feel the same. Be strong or weak, up to you.

  5. you know this doesn’t even sound right. That’s why you’re asking in the first place.

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