Single Guys, what bad habits formed while not dating that you’ll need to unlearn?

  1. None I was always( my gf just moved into my house) dating someone. The reason for that is women are attracted to a guy who’s not a slob.

  2. Eating dinner in front of my PC unless I have company.

    Also, sleeping on the twin bed in my guest room instead of the king bed in the master bedroom. I dunno, I just find my guest room to be cozier and I sleep better in there, but it’s a small room so it can only fit a twin bed.

  3. I wanna say none but what I would really mean is there isn’t any habits I have that would interfere with dating

  4. Less of a “dating” and more of a “moving in with someone”.

    -Letting laundry pile up on the floor.

    -Showering with the door open

    -Coming home at all hours.

    -Trying to pick up women.

    I’ll have to change some of those I think.

  5. Let’s just say that my rate of house-cleaning when I’m single has not proven to be compatible with women. Don’t get me wrong, I take care of all the biohazards (rubbish bins, dishes, cat litter boxes, no stale/rotten/half eaten foods left lying around and I clean/disinfect any spills that happen and kill any mold spots I find etc and my house has never had an insect or rodent problem) and everything is away and not cluttering the place up but for general vacuuming/dusting/mopping/bathroom cleaning I fall way behind (and I don’t have ashthma for the dust to be a concern). I just honestly hate spending hours house cleaning and don’t feel at all better from living in a totally clean house, so to me it’s just not worth the hours of effort required to regularly stay on top of it. Plus I work 9-10 hour days, have a 2 hour commute, lift 4-6 times a week, work on my cars for 1 or both days of the weekend, maybe socialise if there’s something happening, and also I cook all my food at home, so finding the time/energy to do something I already don’t like doing is hard, and I can’t afford a cleaner unless it was to be like once every month or 2.

    So finding the energy/motivation/discipline to stay on top of cleaning to the degree a woman wouldn’t be repulsed by the bits of dust and cat hair hanging about is hard for me.

  6. Let’s just say my sleep/wake rhythm is absolute shite. It’s a problem I’ve been dealing with more many years but fortunately, my previous partner was very tolerant about it. I’m not sure other women would be. I can imagine a different woman would be quite annoyed or put off if I’m sleeping in the middle of the afternoon but then I’m up during the night when she’s asleep.

  7. Dead ass don’t trust anyone and don’t know how to change that. I’ve been single for over ten years.

  8. Sharing my double bed with someone.

    That sounds stupid but I sleep like a cheese string and it’ll feel weird when I have someone else in it, as I tend to kick or move a lot in my sleep.

  9. Honestly, when I’m single and not dating, I slowly turn into Foul Bachelor Frog, or at least closer to that than I’d like to admit. So the main things are shit like washing my sheets and towels more than twice a year, washing the dishes before I run out of clean ones, not leaving stuff laying all around the house.

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