Lemme just start off by saying me and girlfriend has been with each other of over a year , this is a long distance relationship and thing’s were going smoothly untill now . I had got with my girlfriend about 6 months after she broke up with her ex who she said was very Manipulative and toxic towards her . I always trusted every word she said without thinking twice . For some context , Her family knew about her ex and that she was with him for multiple years prior . So when we got together i asked her if she had informed her parents that they weren’t seeing each other anymore cause her parents had the habit of inviting him to their houses for functions . She told me that she had already informed them of not being this guy anymore and that they left off in bad terms so I didn’t give it much thought .

2 weeks before when i was working i was texting my girlfriend constantly to spend time with her as it was christmas . She told me that she was spending time with her family as they went out for an outing together . I especially asked her if she brought some friends with her and she said no . She was also very late with replies so i just figured that she was busy with her family so i let her have her fun . The next day i was getting bombarded with photos that she took with her family while on the outing and i noticed a photo of her standing with another guy who wasn’t her family . I had seen the picture and saved it before she deleted it . I asked her what was in the photo and first she asked me which photo cause apparently she forgot . i asked her again what the photo was then she told me it was a photo of her drinking with her sister as she was drinking at that time . At this point i realized she was just evading the question and acting like nothing happened .

When i told her i saw a guy in the photo she finally admitted to it saying that it was her Ex with her in the photo . I asked her why she invited him to go with her family but she told me that it was her mom’s decision to call him . When i asked her how her mother could do that eventhough she knew he was your ex she confessed that she didn’t actually tell her parents and that her mom was wondering why he wasn’t being called in the events by my gf . So she called her ex to show that their was nothing wrong between them . My problem with this whole situation is that she lied about multiple things , First the part where she told she already informed her parents about the break up , Second the part where she insisted it was only her family with her and lastly the fact she tried to hide all this , The only reason i knew about it is because she slipped up while sending the photos .

I’ve been on hold for a while and idk what to do rn , So i really need your guys opinion on what i should do rn . I feel so worthless and broken

  1. First relation starting already on long dustance have little hope to work out. I personally believe it’s not worth investing time in them in general.

    If you still want to work it out she needs to tell her family she has broken up eith her ex and is with. Later, but soon you should visit her and be introduced to her parents casually.

  2. You sure she broke up with him? It doesn’t make sense to be so afraid of telling your family you broke up with someone abusive that you’d rather your family to invite him to family events and pretend you’re still dating him. It would make a lot more sense if she was still dating the guy and you’re the secret affair.

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