So basically, I am a 16 year old who goes to school like every other guy, but I feel like I have low self-confidence that results in me not having “friends.”

I am actually friends with the whole class but not close friends with anyone. There is this friend group that consists of 6 boys. I would consider them my closest friends we went out a lot together we or at least I have a lot of fun when we are together.

Everything seems good, right?
Nope, you’re wrong when there is more than 2 from this group together at the same time, I get ignored when i try to talk with them most of the time and this really annoys me. I have mentioned before that we went out a lot together this is right, but they went out a lot more together without me. They don’t come to my face and tell me we are going out without you but sometimes I overhear them talking together and it really annoys me aswell. They also have a gc that I’m not part of it so I can’t consider them friends really.

5 days ago I got into a problem with one of them he is the closest one of them to me we used to talk alot and he sides right beside me ngl I was the one who is mistaken. I apologised to him, and he forgave me (over text). When I saw him again, his interactions with me are different. He doesn’t talk as much, and he ignores me sometimes .I get it that he is sad and time is the only cure.

I need help with my overall problems. I want to know how to get closer to them and have a better relationship and not get ignored as often.

*Excuse my bad English as it is not my first language*

1 comment
  1. I’m 25 and my biggest regret with friends in high school I feel was not realising that I should’ve done more with friends outside of school. I should’ve invited them over to my house or to the park to play basketball or whatever. Just invite people over, you’ll get closer with them naturally.

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