Tldr; my boyfriend found out I’ve slept with a lot of people and he didn’t like it so he’s left me and I’m pregnant. I don’t know what to do?

We were doing the rice purity test for fun and mine was low he asked me and I just casually said everything and he flipped and got angry and left me.

He is just the perfect guy and we both want a big family and I can just imagine us together married and happy. I’ve calmed down and we have so much in common but he just said that I wasn’t the person he thought i was.

Now I got very upset over the break up. Overate a lot and only got out of bed for work. Then it was the holidays so more eating and more time to sit around so I have gained some weight but I didn’t realise it was baby weight I just thought it was food. I hadn’t had my period but I just thought that was my birth control. Well I realised I was actually having pregnancy symptoms and I took a test and it was positive and I’ve now booked a doctors appointment to see how far along I am. We’ve been broken up since the end of November so I’m likely further along. Especially as I’m in the “just starting to show phase”. I’m guessing around 4 months maybe?

I don’t know what to do or what to tell him. We’ve been together 2 years and have already talked about having a family and I’ve always really wanted to be a mother. But I wanted to be a stay at home mum and able to raise my kids with a loving husband supporting me. Not be an overworked single mother.

But I will to raise my baby I think. I’m keeping them because I’ve always wanted to be a mother and I love them. I don’t know what to do about my boyfriend though?

  1. Does he know that you are pregnant? If no then you need to tell him. Also what is a rice purity test?

  2. > He is just the perfect guy

    I think this post demonstrates that is clearly not true – perfect dudes don’t bounce on their pregnant girlfriends.

  3. He’s not actually a good dude, or he wouldn’t have left over something like that (especially since he also appears to enjoy unprotected premarital sex) It’s a positive that he’s no longer your boyfriend, though I understand you won’t see this for a while.

    Call your ex-boyfriend and tell him you’re pregnant. Be prepared for him not to believe it’s his. Be prepared to talk to a lawyer and get a formal child support order in place.

  4. You need to hurry your ass up and tell him that he’s becoming a dad. You can’t hide this from him, get to it.

  5. Unless you lied to him about something, he overreacted a bit. But he still has the right to break up with you for any reason. Let him know you’re pregnant. He’ll probably ask for a paternity test (he should since you’re not together).

  6. You need to let him know. Expect for him to request a paternity test.

    He may decide to reconcile or he may decide to just co-parent.

  7. When you say ‘slept with a lot of guys’, do you mean before you met him? If so, he’s being incredibly immature and insecure

  8. I sense late teens or very early 20’s when reading this. Scrolled back up and saw mid twenties… ¤ I am curious what his reaction will be. ¤ please let us know, I think others are wanting to know as well.

    2 years is not a short relationship…

  9. Tell him you need to meet him in person because its an emergency, then tell him you’re pregnant and you are keeping it. Expect a DNA test request from him and say immediately that you will grant it because theres nothing to hide, and calmly hammer home theres no one else you’ve slept with in the last 2 years so its a lock he’s the dad.

    You probably shouldn’t discuss custody/child support/etc now unless he insists on it. The same thing goes in terms of discussing restarting the relationship now, but you should say you still love him. Then after the conversation ends, contact your doctor and find out when you can do a DNA test, then schedule one.

    I’m sorry you are going through all of this, I hope you find your way through it.

  10. I just checked the test you took. Honestly, he probably just got incredibly jealous imagining you doing these things and will likely get over it when he hears you’re pregnant. If not, he’s a dumbass.

    Guys, here are some of the questions:

    * Have you kissed someone?
    * Have you had your breasts fondled?
    * Have you ingested alcohol in a non-religious context?
    * Have you had sexual intercourse more than 10 times?
    * Have you done the 69 position?

    Seriously, if a 25-year-old man breaks up with the mother of his child because she’s done things like this, you should be more concerned that you’ve procreated with an absolute dolt. Like, you fucked up there.

    But more than that, you have value beyond your body, you’ve done nothing wrong, and your partner is supposed to love you. If he doesn’t come to his senses and acknowledge that, you might want to reevaluate the relationship yourself because you deserve better.

  11. This is why you should have been honest up front. Just because you say you’ve changed doesn’t mean he has to accept everything about you. Clearly he’s not ok with being with a woman who used to sleep around.

    Once you found out about the pregnancy you should have told him immediately. You could have had a discussion about keeping it.

  12. Why would you continue to have a kid if the circumstances in which the child is being birthed into aren’t 100% conductive it it’s emotional and physical well-being?

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