Me (M27)and my partner F(25) have been together for ten years, we frequently throughout this time had sex 3-4 days a week, multiple times a day. We moved in together just over a year ago and now because of work and maintaining a home together we have sex on average once a week, I’ve come to terms with this but the only issue with this is because we don’t have sex nearly as much anymore I can only last 5 minutes and it’s over, has anyone got any advice to help. This is not normal for me or my partner as sex used to last anything from 20 minutes to hours. Thank you 🙂

  1. Are you on new meds, stressed or has your health changed? If no to all these do you beat it a lot and if no again maybe try a cock ring

  2. You are getting it less frequently so you get too excited quicker. You can pull out when you start feeling yourself about to cum and switch position. Pull out before you orgasm and go down on her, make her cum then go back in. Being an adult who is responsible sucks, trust me, but as long as you enjoy those moments you do get, make them last as long as possible.

  3. You said, “because we don’t have sex nearly as much anymore I can only last 5 minutes.”

    These two things are not related.

    If you know how to control your ejaculation, you know how to control your ejaculation. And if you were going beyond the [Magical 20-Minute Mark]( before, there is no reason why you cannot do so now.

    The issue here is much more to do with your interest in sex, and living together.

    There is a part of you that just wants to get it over with.

    You are now discovering what nearly every married couple experiences: a decrease in sexual excitation, sexual attraction, and the amount of sex you have.

    You are not lasting long because you do not want to. Probably because you are bored, and just want to get it over with.

    Just wait until the kiddies come along, LOL!

    You will be on here saying, “When we moved in together, we used to have sex once a week, but now that the kids are here, it’s barely once a month.”

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