I Really dont enjoy much. I hate music, I dont like sports, cant enjoy Art and I cant find any enjoyment except gaming.

  1. 34 and countless hours thinking about it and still have no clue. For me where I ended up, I guess I don’t really want to do anything job wise, so just stay to the best pay to stress ratio I can find, which is my current job. May try something else over the next year but work from
    Home full time so even when I look, it’s too hard find something better that’s worth leaving for. I don’t have any passions I can turn into money and the businesses i invested in didn’t really work out. Who knows something may come a lot for me to pursue but looks like all roads have led to just staying in my current job.

  2. What pays well, is flexible in duty and promises relative job security.

    As long as I don’t absolutely hate what I’m doing, I’m fine with that. That is the reality of life after all: sometimes what you like / are naturally good at isn’t profitable.

  3. All passions are trial and error.

    What you do for money is separate. What you do for money is a balance of what you’re good at and what is the most profitable for you to do in your current market. It will be many things as life circumstances change. Thats normal, plus its good to have many skills in life. Just be smart and ask tons of questions.

  4. I tried everything that was made available to me. I found that I actually enjoyed some of the stuff that I thought I wouldn’t.

  5. I researched well paying jobs which had high demand, didn’t require overly expensive or long education requirements and was something I wouldn’t mind doing.

  6. Maybe theres no place in this world for us. The people who put us here were just hoping for the best. I fill the day with things I find interesting, and work towards goals that are worthwhile.

  7. That sounds like me from 15 years ago.
    I went and got a programming degree and hated my life with a ton of debt. It turns out I never really experienced life at that point so I never knew what I enjoyed. I love creating with my hands (woodworking, maille, welding, etc). I wound up becoming a Trucker for my career.
    I had several “careers” and pivoted until I found what I liked.

  8. you dont if you dont have a dad, or at least one willing to engage with your existence beyond sports

  9. I’m 30 and still don’t know. My wife keeps telling me to do youtube and social media but I think my insecurities hold me back.

  10. Try lots of different things. Stick with things that pay for a bit while you explore other options. Doing nothing (including playing video games) is not an option.

  11. You hate music ? Bro no offence you sound like the worlds most boring person go outside maybe lol

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