Me (M19) and F18 had been in a relationship for around 7 months – we broke up on the terms surrounding mental health issues. About a month after the relationship I slept with a girl at a party. In context, I had been trying to move on from my relationship as I believed there was not a real chance we would get back together again. After a series of events, her getting with someone I frequently expressed my dislike towards (M19) I decided (in the moment) to sleep with someone after a few drinks at a party – recently my ex had re-added me and told me in more depth about her encounter with M19 and this caused me to tell her about my experience at the party. She then told me that she was frequently trying to ‘win me back’ and that she had been attempting to probe she still loved me over the last month. She told me that there was no chance of a revival of our relationship and now I feel like a d*** because of my decision to sleep with someone else.

I slept with another girl at a party during a breakup – my ex is mad at me because she wanted me back (after getting with someone else) and is making me feel like an AH.

  1. No? You’re not together. You’re free to sleep with whoever wants to sleep with you. Stop talking to your ex.

  2. Bro she was getting with that guy she knew you disliked, why do you think that was ? Why the hell would you feel like a d*** when she’s the one who ruined the relationship for you first? In my eyes, once she got with him theres no way YOU should ever take her back. Forget her and move on. Block her if you need to.

  3. Do yourself a favor and block and delete her everywhere she is a major hypocrite, it is ok for her to get with someone else who she probably cheated on you with when you were together but you sleeping with another girl after you were broken up was too much for her, she sounds immature, find a real woman because this girl has a lot of growing up to do.

  4. You’re not together. You were single when you hooked up with someone.

    You’re not telepathic, even though girls tend to think guys are. How were you supposed to know she wanted you back if she never told you?!

    Don’t you **ever** feel bad for getting your dick wet when you’re single. How dare you lol. You’re literally 19. This ex won’t even exist to you in like 2 years lol.

  5. You owed her nothing and she clearly is holding you to a different measure than sticks herself to. It might suck now, but it’s better on the long run to not be with some1 like her.

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