The date was fine. I picked her up after work, we went for sushi, shared a scorpion bowl. Then went to a bar for a drink and I dropped her off.

I was hoping the alcohol would loosen me up so I might actually feel comfortable making a love for a kiss. But the entire time we were walking she had her hands in her pockets (it was cold so it’s understandable), at the bar we kind of started moving closer together, and then when she got out of my car at the end, I suppose I could have juked and landed a sloppy one…but it didn’t feel right. So we hugged and left.

I texted her after, basically telling her how I know I’m show and move slowly. But I have a great time with her, want to keep moving forward, and I’m worth it if she was willing to be patient.

She eventually got back to me and told me and agreed about having a great time and wanting to continue. And then a bit later texted again and said she was okay with being listening cuz she had a crazy ex and she’s kind of traumatized.

We’re suppose to hang out tomorrow at my place and watch some movies and what-not. My question is, how to I tread now?

I kind of feel like o put the ball in her court. But I also feel like she put the ball back in mind by agreeing to come over.

I don’t want to make a crazy move after just saying I usually move slowly. As it might be off putting. Especially if her boyfriend was recent and did some wierd shit.

  1. So wait. Have y’all not kissed at all? If I have that right, I would say you should kiss her on top of her head if she’s snuggled up against you. If she looks up and kinda stares at you after that, she probably wants you to kiss her.

  2. There is no law in the game of dating that says you must make a move on her to hook up by the 3rd or 4th date.

    But if she is coming to your place, it does open the door for you to get close to one another.

    You can sit next to each other and you can possibly hold her hand and/or caress her arms. There may be an opportunity where she leans against you and you have your arm around her.

    The one thing I’d certainly suggest is going for a kiss. She knows you are interested. So go for it.

  3. You did fine. Don’t worry about it. Read her signals. There will probably be an opening to kiss.

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