Do you support a military intervention in Iran to liberate Iranian women and others living under the Mullahs and end the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East?

  1. No. While I certainly sympathize with their plight, I don’t believe our military should be used to overthrow regimes, regardless of how oppressive they may be. Aside from any ethical dilemmas, it simply has not been proven to be effective in the long run. Just look at how Afghanistan turned out.

  2. I’ll pass, last time we did that it took two decades and undid itself a week after we left.

  3. I support Iranian women but considering our past track record with the Middle East I think we should stay out of this one

  4. No, it would be a terrifically bad idea.

    A war in Iran would be costly, likely lead to more terrorism, and unless we completely supplanted the government in a total war victory followed up by a Marshall Plan like rebuilding of the country it likely wouldn’t help the women either. We tried in Iraq and Afghanistan and it didn’t work out.

  5. Muslim women can end oppression any time they choose to. They know where every man sleeps.

  6. No.

    Ignoring the enormous destabilizing effect it would have on the region, the waste of American lives, and the poor track record of nation building in the Muslim world, Iran’s internal unrest simply isn’t our problem.

    There’s a snowball’s chance in hell of such an intervention going perfectly. And if it doesn’t go perfectly, which it won’t, we stand to gain practically nothing and we stand to lose a great deal. Meanwhile we lose nothing by letting the situation resolve itself.

    If they topple the government themselves, great. If they don’t then it’s business as usual.

  7. Firstly, why is what happens to the Iranian lasses our problem?

    Second, that would be expensive and cause everyone to hate us.

    Third, what would we even do, roll in with the boys, fight a not entirely incompetent military to the point of surrender, set up elections presumably with religious candidates banned from running, hope that the country that used to march young men into minefields is chill about the whole thing? What do we get in return?

    That’s gonna be a no from me dawg. Maybe check with Russia. Seems like their kind of thing.

  8. No, I went what’s best for them but I want to be done being the world police. Tired of the drama from non-Americans and I’d really like to put our tax dollars toward healthcare and education.

  9. I feel like the world is either:

    “Why is America acting like the World Police? They need to stay in their borders.”


    “Why is America not doing anything about *X* *Crisis*, they should really do something instead of just staying out of it.”

  10. No. I support the Iranian women and their plight but I do not believe that the United States needs to once again militarily intervene in a Middle Eastern country or any country for that matter to overthrow its government. I don’t want another Vietnam/Iraq and invading Iran could prove to be a much deadlier conflict than either of those. Haven’t we learned our lesson ?

  11. Nope. Not our problem. And I say this as someone married to an Iranian and who follows Iranian events quite closely

  12. I don’t think they need our military support. We aren’t beloved or viewed as benevolent in Iran. It would backfire on us and anyone we would be claiming to help.

    Aside from that, the Iranian people have proven capable of taking down an oppressive regime; However, there is no clear leader of the opposition at this time like there was in 1979, so I don’t see it happening the same way.

    Or, to out it more briefly: no.

  13. No. We fucked around in the desert and it did nothing but make the world see America as a monster and tyrant. Let the UN handle it.

  14. When we invade other countries everyone bitches. When we say we don’t want to invade other countries they still bitch.

  15. Nope. Tried that before, and it was a 1/5 star Google review kind of experience. Let Muslim nations find their own way to democracy and equal rights for women and men.

  16. Absolutely not. We tried that a few times in other countries and it ended in catastrophe.

    The best thing we can do is support the Iranian people from afar as they determine their own destiny.

  17. A better question might be “To what degree, if any, is an American military intervention capable of liberating Iranian women?” And the answer should clearly be “Not at all”.

    Of course we all support the rights of Iranian women and the people of Iran, but the US military is neither designed nor able to fix the problems they have.

  18. No, why is reddit always trying to drag us into a war? I’ve had enough of war for a while.

  19. Absolutely not america needs to take a step back from intervening in all this different countries. This may sound mean and harsh but it’s not America’s job or America’s business

  20. The rest of the world condemns us for being the world police, but when something goes wrong, we get bashed for not helping.

    It’s a lose/lose situation for US public image. I feel really bad for the women of Iran and i’d like to help them, but I don’t feel like a US military intervention is going to solve that problem. It’ll only open a bigger can of worms.

  21. I don’t really see a just cause. Are they an imminent threat to the US?

    Put otherwise, if I waited 6 months, would that quite literally destroy the US/cause war on our own soil?

    They don’t meet those criteria, so I think we ought to do our best to pass on war with Iran, and stay well trained and hypervigilant.

    I suspect my wife, a Persian-American, would agree. Daily life in Iran is tough enough without adding war to the equation.

  22. I’ll happily support Iranian women however I can as an individual. I think a lot of Americans share the same sentiment.

    But going to war? No. We’re currently dealing with the Ukrianian-Russian war (and God knows what other wars) and our own problems here. I don’t think we need to be involved in even more Middle Eastern conflicts.

  23. According to the sub’s name I think I shouldn’t say anything but as an Iranian, military intervention (especially a big land assault) is the biggest favor that US can do for regime that’s what’s keep them alive showing the US as a satan, majority of Iranians are against the regime but more than that they are against foreigners occupying the country, anyway every other type of intervention that puts pressure on the regime is appreciated tho

  24. No. Same reason I object to the whole “we shouldn’t have pulled out of Afghanistan, the women are suffering.”

    That’s not our job.

  25. Hell fucking no

    We’re still being blamed for Iran’s current situation and that was seventy years ago.

    Look at Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and tell me with a straight face you actually think this would be a good idea.

    If the world wants Iran liberated, the rest of the world can fucking deal with it then.

    We’re practically singlehandedly saving Ukraine right now and we’re *still* getting shit on for it. You really think Iran would be seen as more favorable? Hell no.

  26. Nope, not our fight. We can support from outside but it’s not our place to determine what the Iranian people choose for a government. It needs to be a homegrown change to be viable. They absolutely have my support for removing the mullahs but we can’t do it for them.

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