Women of reddit, how do you know you are not in love anymore?

  1. I used to get triggered whenever I thought of my ex with another girl but now when I think of it or imagine him being with someone else I’m like who gives af lol

  2. It doesn’t bother me if I’m not seeing them a lot or communicating a lot. In fact, I find it kinda nice.

  3. When I no longer care what they’re doing or about them lying. I just brush it off until I’m gone at that point

  4. I stop caring about their actions. Announce that you’re going to go do something I know to be detrimental for you? Go wild.

  5. When I stop caring. When I used to care who they were with, what they were doing, spending time with them brought me joy, I was willing to fight to make our relationship better. When I stop feeling those things it’s over for me

  6. You want to do other things more than sending time with your partner
    & you start to look different at other men

  7. When you realize the person you once loved isn’t even a passing thought anymore compared to how much you use to think about them. When you see this person and they don’t stir up any emotional responses and you just feel neutral towards them. This is how I know I’ve moved on.

  8. I can no longer imagine being happy with them in my life. Im terrified of going home because I know he will be there

  9. Everything they do is annoying and exhausting. The thought of the future makes you avoidant, uneasy, seems unrealistic, etc.

  10. When you don’t bother arguing anymore, because it’s not worth your time or energy

  11. When I don’t care as much as I did and I don’t think about the person anymore, if ever I do think about them, it’s just a fleeting memory and not thinking about what should have been and what could be.

  12. When a person truly loves another person, they don’t ever stop loving them… the passion or the attraction is gone but love always lingers. Atleast for me it has been that way.

  13. They’re not the first person I want to share my exciting news or ask for support when I’m down.

  14. Whenever I develop a “wandering eye.” It’s like my subconscious already knows I need to start looking for a new partner but I never act on these impulses.

  15. When there’s a shift in energy. For example: you love to see them smile & talk about things that make them happy/excited etc. Which later turns into you enjoying time apart from them a little too much & everything they do comes off as annoying.

  16. So I’m an introvert who values alone time. With my ex, it was when my alone time brought a massive amount of peace and relief being away from him. I didn’t really want it to end. I feel like there’s a difference between enjoying your alone time because it’s your alone time and enjoying it because it’s an escape from your relationship. Now when I get my alone time, I can be content but also looking forward to seeing my boyfriend again after the fact.

  17. When you can imagine a future without them, when you get irritated/annoyed by them for the smallest things, when you can go a day without hearing from them.

  18. I actively start to avoid them and im way more happy when we arent talking or hanging out

  19. I don’t get the same happiness I once did or I can’t find myself making the same effort to see them or make them happy or just doing the little things for them. That being said that hasn’t often for me and I feel like it’s always the other person losing interest in me that makes me lose interest.

  20. When you get involved and in my case attraction goes away, or if them touching you makes you uncomfortable. That’s how I know.

  21. When I don’t feel the need to talk to them and feel oddly uncomfortable with them.

  22. When it starts getting difficult to text him. Not because of any fear of devoid conversation, but just because every time I talk to him I feel a deep sense of contempt.

  23. When you’re asking this question on Reddit.

    In all seriousness, when you don’t want to spend time with them anymore and prefer to be alone/with someone else. When everything about them starts to annoy you.

  24. When it starts getting tiring, or simply have no more interest in the person you always thought would be everything to you.

    Idk, for me, when I realized I didn’t like someone, I would simply just loose the affection I had for them the next day(usually by an action they do), I know im going to sound like a bad person. But im not a person who usually likes to do the breaking up, I just wait until they themselves get tired of me or wtv, and let them break up with me. Its a bad habit of mine, when I dont “love” someone. I rarely do, so it doesn’t hurt me at all. I get over it quickly

  25. I feel no spark for him, one time I got cheated on and I didn’t leave the relationship, I forgave him. I slowly fell out of love with him and left him, lesson learnt, don’t forgive cheaters

  26. Just looking at him you don’t feel it anymore.

    You don’t care about things that used to really care about: like if he suddenly left you for another woman or you worry about him going out with that one friend that’s a bad influence. But you secretly wish he would mess up, to give you a reason to dump him or leave.

    A big one for me was I used to give gifts of love all the time like notes and making him really intricate lunches, when you stop doing that and they notice and ask, and you realize, cause I don’t like you anymore.

    When you’d rather do anything than be with them (like go to your parents, stay busy with kids, always have friend get togethers)

    When you don’t want to hug or kiss them. Eventually you dread sex with them and just want it over quick.

    When they talk to you you rather would share your phones or being grossed in something that’s totally insignificant then listen to them and engage.

    When you argue but don’t care and just give up or go silent. (When you fight back it’s usually a sign you still care)

    Many many things signal loss of interest.

  27. A lot of things make me see im not in love anymore but the biggest one would probably be when I just stop feeling . When I like people I really like them so if I think about you and feel nothing, the love is gone lol

  28. If they were accidentally killed through no fault of mine.

    It would be ok and a relief.

    I thought about this a lot with my ex husband

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