How good are the Pakistani owned burger shops in the USA? Are there as many as the UK?

  1. I’m sure I’ve been to a Pakistani owned burger shop, but is that something I’m supposed to be aware of?

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a Pakistani owned burger shop in the US.

    I’m sure there must be some, but I suspect this is a cultural difference.

  3. While I’ve been to many burger places, and it’s highly likely that at least some of them were owned by people of Pakistani descent, I would have no idea of that one way or the other.

    EDIT: From a quick Google, there *is* a place near me that specifically bills itself as a Pakistani burger place. I’ve actually walked by it quite a few times, and it’s always looked pretty interesting, but I’ve never been. I’ll have to give it a try.

  4. I believe you’re talking about Chapli. In California they’re non-existent, the closest dish I can think of is gyro and they’re relatively common in the metro areas.

  5. I’m sure there’s a burger place out there somewhere owned by a Pakistani dude but “Pakistani burger shops” aren’t a thing here.

    First generation Pakistani and Indian Americans have a reputation for running gas stations here, not fast-casual restaurants.

  6. Quick google search suggests there are almost twice as many Pakistani immigrants living in the UK (1.2m) than in the USA (700K), despite the USA having 4x as many total people.

    I bet there are Pakistani owned burger shops in the USA but I’ve never heard of or seen one. Pakistani immigrants don’t make up a noticeable subculture in most parts of the USA.

  7. I don’t normally know who owns the burger joints I visit. I’m sure there are a variety of owner backgrounds, but “Pakistani owned burger shop” isn’t a familiar restaurant category.

  8. I don’t know a single Pakistani owned burger shop.

    Burgers are kind of an American thing, so it would surprise me to see any immigrant group dominating this market.

  9. Usually, people who’ve emigrated from Pakistan to the US, and the few who’ve wanted to open restaurants, serve foods from their regions.

  10. Do you mean halal burger shops? We have several where I live, but they tend to be owned by members of the Lebanese and Yemeni ethnic communities simply due to population demographics. They’re pretty good, and pretty popular.

  11. The Pakistani family I know runs a halal pizza joint. I think they do serve a burger, but it wasn’t originally on the menu, and its mainly meant for kids.

  12. Not a thing here.

    There is a Pakistani place in the next town over but they make Pakistani and Indian food and fish and chips. They don’t even have a burger on the menu.

  13. There are a few by me, but they don’t really advertise themselves as a Pakistani businesses though. I assume they’re Pakistani because they are halal and serve some Indian style food also.

    I wouldn’t really say they are good burger joints nor particularly popular. Mostly you need to know what you’re ordering. I wouldn’t have went back one but the owner threw in some chicken wings on the house, and they were worth going back for. Still sometimes I order something new and get disappointed.

  14. I don’t think they’re Pakistani, but a hallal burger joint just opened in my neighborhood and the fried chicken is good enough for me to forgive the lack of bacon for the burger.

  15. I’ve never heard of a Pakistani burger shop before… but now I REALLY want to try one! Google says it’s like a kebab or kafta burger. Yummmmmm!

    ETA: it looks like there is a restaurant serving chapli in the main city I visit for work. There is also a small convince store that serves it in another city 2.5 hours away.

  16. Generally, we don’t know who owns our burger shops. They are mostly large fast food franchises.

  17. My local neighborhood Pakistani burger place is right next to the famous Tanzanian spaghetti place

  18. The Halal Guys is a chain in Atlanta, their menu has a Pakistani flag. I’ve never eaten there.

    Some of the meat at Cava’s is halal certified; I ate there yesterday but I dont think they sell a burger, I’m not sure, I get the salad bowls.

  19. I feel like it’s more likely a Pakistani owned place in the US will mainly do Pakistani/North Indian food. There isn’t a stereotype of a Pakistani burger joint.

  20. Pakistani burger shops aren’t really a widespread thing here in the US. I’m sure there are some, it’s a big country after all, but it’s not something you see regularly like you seem to be referring to.

  21. I live in an area where there are quire a few ‘halal’ burger shops. I don’t know of they are specifically Pakistani-owned, but they are fine and just like any other low cost burger joint. Nothing I can think of differentiates them other than clearly noting they are halal and always having some kind of ‘white sauce.’

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