Like all introverts, I like my alone time. If there’s one thing that I look forward to on Saturday, it’s waking up around 9AM, ordering my tea along with my favourite snack and having it alone with a pre-selected Netflix show.

I promised to myself that I will “put myself out there” every chance I get. This has been my answer to every invite for the past 2 months. I spent entire weekends roaming outside with my friends and going to trips nearby no matter how tiring they turned out to be. All because I wanted to put myself out there more. There’s a girl I have a slight crush on but even after 2 months, she hasn’t shown much interest.

This weekend, I was supposed to go on a trip with her and some other friends. I cancelled at the last moment because I was so exhausted from work. It involved a 20 hour (to and fro) drive within a span of 60 hours, not to mention, in a very uncomfortable bus as well.

I agree that “putting myself out there” is the best way to finding somebody who’s interested in me but do I have to be “on” and “living life to the fullest” all the time? It’s not the worst thing to take a break every now and then and enjoy some alone time, right?

  1. Of course you can have your time alone. You need it in order for you to be charming when you’re with others. Don’t force yourself to be something you’re not. It never ends well.

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