[Serious] What the biggest issue you have living with a wife/partner in Menopause?

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  2. My ex wife was bad enough with PMT thankfully we split up before the menopause struck.

  3. Female post menopause here. I was a total bitch, and my emotions and hot flashes were terrible. My late husband was awesome! We had a signal, when he gave me that hand signal I knew I was off the wall and would walk away. Worked great for us. Be patient, we can’t control our hormones.

  4. Honestly, I can’t think of anything that has changed in that regard. Well, except there is no longer a need for birth control. 😁

  5. First I should give some context. My wife and I have been married for 28 years. We’ve been together since we were teens. Like most couples we’ve had our share of struggles and success and dealing with menopausal symptoms was just one of those experiences. Hot flashes. Mood swings. Low libido. She had it all. But for me, this woman is the love of my life. She is the mother of our children and my confidante.

    We talked a lot about her symptoms and how she felt. She shared her frustration with me and I shared mine with her. It came to the point where I could tell she was having an episode and would just back off.

    Yet to answer your question, for me the biggest thing was the libido. There were times I longed for the young vibrant woman who could not keep her hands off me. Who would melt at my touch. But she was not there. In our discussions I realized that this didn’t mean she didn’t love me but it was still sexually and emotionally draining – for both of us. I could deal with anything but that loss of intimacy and interest was really difficult.

    In the end we got through it. She was very understanding of my needs and I learned to be patient with her changed. But only because we spent the time talking and sharing.

  6. They get angrier and irritabler during that time. You just need to be more considerate and patient than usual. The storm passes after a few days.

  7. She’s not going to bear my children. That can be a deal breaker if that’s what I want.

  8. Her menopausal rage (M51,F45 at the time) brought down the marriage. She was so angry all the time. She ended up having an affair with a ho-worker; killing a 21-year marriage.

    IDK if it’s fair to blame menopause/hormones; but it was definitely a factor. She was always quick to anger; but she became a hissing blowtorch around age 44.

    It was not fun and though I miss the marriage and the life we had, I don’t miss HER. She made life hellish at times.

  9. My wife went completely nuts. Fucked random people, rages, rejected her own kids. I couldn’t communicate, could not reach her anymore. She went full fomo. Now she lives in social housing paying child support. Its godawful.

    Killed a 17 year marriage.

  10. I’m sleeping with 2 women in their 50s now. Other than some tears now and then, they need extra lube because they are drier.

  11. My wife had a drinking problem and menopause made everything worse. I finally moved out and she filed for divorce

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