Do you give yourself 10 mins to cry and recover? A whole day? It definitely depends on the severity, I know, but I’m curious how you all handle “messing up.”

  1. If it’s something interpersonal, like I hurt someone unintentionally or something like that, then it haunts me.

    If it’s work related then it’s usually easily fixed and not a big deal.

    If it’s a silly mistake that only really effects me I get pretty annoyed at myself but drop it pretty quickly.

  2. I wallow in guilt and shame by reliving it over and over in my mind until the next thing happens that I screw up.

    But I *try* to admit when I was wrong, offer a sincere apology if necessary, fix any problems I created, not beat myself up too hard, and think about how to avoid the mistake in the future.

  3. shit happens , it’s life

    if there’s something i can learn from it i’ll learn, if it was just an unfortunate circumstance i keep moving. no point in making a shitty situation worse by feeling bad about what i can’t change

    —-all of this along with making things right if my actions hurt someone else

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