Hi I’m 21f

I caught myself feeling a bit jealous of a girl my friends met at a party who is social and everything I wish I could be.

This is brief but people who I have the same interests in but they are more social and have a good idea of who they are are usually the people I find myself jealous of.

How can I feel good about myself? How can I stop wishing I could be someone else constantly?

  1. Don’t be jealous of them and try to interact more with people who u see regularly but don’t talk to them. Say hi or something . At start it might be difficult but then you get the hang of it. N u don’t always have to be like someone to be happy so relax and enjoy

  2. Just start learning everything you can about social skills, you can get a lot better if you put in the effort. Check out the social skills lab podcast and watch YouTube vids…there’s a lot of great stuff out there.

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