So I’m a 23 year old. I have very little friends. I’ve taken a small break from college until I pay back debt. So, I don’t have many friends from college. Maybe one or two at most from college. And I have few from high school. Maybe 4 I talk to daily.

When I was in high school, I was introverted and shy. I still am. There are people I wanted to be friends with, but I never had the courage to say hi and meet them. There were a few I was acquaintances with, to this day I regret never saying anything and making friends with them. Even if I really liked them and wanted to be their friend. There were some I had briefly spoken to or were seated near me in class. So, we had interactions here and there. They seemed to like me too.

Years later, I feel like reaching out to a few of them online. I don’t even know if they’ll remember me. They’re mutuals with my boyfriend and my other friends. I really want to reach out to become their friends even though it’s years later. But I’m not sure if it’s too weird. I don’t want to come off as a weirdo stalker but I do want to befriend them. They had things in common with me back then. They seemed like cool people.

Since I don’t have too many friends, I do get lonely. And that gets added onto my regret of not making friends with those specific people. Should I reach out to them or is it too late? Is it weird to do that years later? Please be nice in the responses, I just need a little comfort and a little push in the right direction.

I feel a little out of the loop of people my age since I’ve only had so little friends for years. It’s only these 4 or 5 daily. So it’s a little nerve-wracking making friends again, let alone someone I wanted to be friends with back then. Along with my awkwardness, I don’t know how to make friends anymore either. So, tips for that too?

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