**Background:** 25M. I moved to a different country twice, when I was 12 and then again when I was 19 – I lost all my friends and acquaintances on each of those occasions. Haven’t gone to college but straight to work. Single 3 years and counting. I’ve been going to therapy all 2022 (depressive episodes).

Here I’m in the friendless hell. Non bone zone. Pit of despair. I meet new people, theoretically we like each other… and they disappear after a few weeks / months.
Not overnight of course, it’s a slow and painful process: they talk to me less and less, never text first, ignore my messages or respond in a “generic” way and cancel meetings at the last minute. I admit that I get attached quickly to the people I care about so those situations are very painful.

My most recent loss is a girl who invited me to parties, we vibed, we stayed up partying till the morning, talked about our problems (we didn’t feel any sexual attraction to each other btw). Everything was going fine… until it happened again! She’s gone m8! But of course she has time for people that aren’t me, go figure.

I’m tired already, like I’m just chasing ghosts…

  1. Ive always heard how its hard to make friends when we get older… It never made sense to me before and it doesn’t make sense to me now. i dont have a lot of friends except for people at work. I wish i could gain some control over growing my friend group again, its kinda what brings me here

  2. Ngl I feel like at the age of 25 people aren’t willing to be friends or try to get close to to one another. They hold everyone at arm’s length so I understand where you’re coming from.

    Just gonna say, it’s not your fault. You’re probably just having bad luck meeting with peeps who like to ghost people they don’t click with themselves. Can’t say anything else other than keep searching mate, you’ll find genuine friends eventually.

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