So I’ve been out there looking for a gift to buy for last Christmas (long story, no need to explain) and then one of the employers of the shop comes at me and only looks at me as if my dad wasnt there, and she did it twice while asking if I needed any advice and if I have chosen something. I replied both times to her

When we get out of the mall, my dad tells me how she looked at me with interest and I replied : “well no dad she was doing her job, being proactive and smiling to a customer as a shop employee is a common skill”. Therefore I shouldn’t indulge in what he said.

Usually I wouldn’t come to this Reddit for advice(or maybe next time 😁), I just wanted to know if other people think a look in this particular context is just misleading and I shouldn’t give in so I would do it and get denied (I will still do it tomorrow though, who knows, I need to go back to that shop anyway, so if she’s there I’ll ask her out, and it’s okay if she says no, at least I’d have no regret)

My point was though I’m wondering what’s the general idea about that ? Who do you think is right here ? My dad who thinks she was interested in me because she only addressed me and not both of us or me who just think maybe but that’s part of her job ?

P.S. I’m probably in the wrong subreddit but as I’m asking that girl out tomorrow, I felt like posting here.

1 comment
  1. She’s probably just doing her job. It’s not normally the best idea to ask someone out while they’re working because they can’t really leave the situation if they’re uncomfortable.

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