Made a similar post before, but it’s been an issue for months.

Even though I have manners and never start drama, I get the most nervous reactions from people – they avoid me and seem very nervous when they have to encounter me (I bag their groceries in retail).

I also manage to have *barely* any friends, particularly offline, and haven’t had an **official relationship** in an extremely long time, if ever, whilst seeing people all around me hitting it off with other folks.

Even people at my workplace who joke regularly, talk with others and are outgoing, barely have anything to say to me, and pick up their paste if walking toward or near me.

These insecurities have really picked up over the past 10 months and have developed *increasing* performance anxiety, speech difficulties, and behavior changes. I’ve been trending less extrovert as a result and can barely function normally, even around my only family. My self-esteem is hit the floor.

Rarely being chatted with online, in person, and having very little friend circles are all red flags, particularly for a half-decent guy like me who intends to hurt NO one.

I can go on, but the bottom line is that I’m insecure and can no longer function normally around **anyone** at this point, which could be making people even MORE uncomfortable around me.

I could live with being less approachable, but these insecurities of mine have got to go! ✌🏽

1 comment
  1. So sorry you are going through this. It must make you feel miserable not knowing what the problem is. Of course the more it happens, the worse it gets. When you don’t have confidence and feel good about yourself it is harder to feel comfortable around people and they will notice.

    First check out the obvious things like body odor or bad breath, although that shouldn’t be a problem online. I was once in the emergency room and the ER doctor’s breath was so bad I had to keep backing up. It even hung in the air around him and I noticed others staying out of his way. He was a great doctor and I felt like someone should tell him, but I was too embarrassed.

    Be sure to have a couple people smell your breath because apparently you can’t smell your own bad breath.

    Another thing is check to see if you talk too much, though it doesn’t sound like you do. Avoid over-sharing, too.

    If it doesn’t seem to be any of these things see if you can get one session with a counselor ad get their input.

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