So most of my friends talk about their past in such a sentimental way, their eyes seem dreamy-like and they have so much emotion in their voice. When I talk about the past, I speak in a robotic kind of voice. Some friends and some acquaintances have pointed that out and now I feel like this prevents me from bonding deeper with people. Besides, most “deep” questions to get to know people depend on past experiences. But I just feel no strong emotion about the past. I’m very sentimental about other things and I’m quite passionate about my beliefs and opinions. I share without hesitation my view on many things but I couldn’t care less about the past. Is there anything wrong with me? Do you think I should start faking it?

1 comment
  1. There’s nothing wrong with you . How you feel about the past is your choice and you can force yourself to change yourself for anyone else . You’ll get tired I’ve tried it believe me the longer you get tired the less bright life seems don’t care what anyone think find people who accept your personality for what it is , don’t change best advice I can give

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