I haven’t had sex since the beginning of November and my hormones are up the roof. Does anyone have any advice? I’m in a weird situation and I’m starting to believe I will never have sex again.

I can’t seem to ever find a guy that I’m attracted to (even if just sexually) who feels like sleeping with me too. To this day, I have only been sexually attracted to 4 guys in my country. I’m already mid-20s so at this point I’m pretty confident I am the problem but I honestly, if I don’t feel it I can’t give them a chance. I know if they touch me I will feel grossed out. I tried it once with someone who was extremely into me and even went as far as to let him kiss me. I went home running and mouthwashed. I felt so disgusted. And that was just kissing. I won’t even try sleeping with someone I don’t feel attracted to.

I know most people say I either have “high standards” or I’m just naïve and go only for looks but if I’m going to feel like throwing up every time I give let a guy touch me I don’t think it’s gonna work for either of us. My friends tell me to give them a chance and that personality matters more and I might like them in the end. Sure that’s fair. But even if I love their personality, I will still feel grossed out whenever they try to touch me. I’m not going to go around and give some poor bastard false hope, only to break their hearts in the end. I know what’s gonna happen so I don’t do that.

(Being friendzoned is the worst feeling and I have decided not to do that to people. Bro, if you like me too much and I don’t we cut ties. You don’t have to see me every day and hope that I change my mind. Go find someone you deserve who likes you back and forget me the soonest.)

I’m just horny all the time. I don’t know how to handle it, masturbation has become so mundane it does nothing but calm my nerves for a bit. Idk what to do with myself anymore. Can someone please give any advice?

  1. From your views and issues involving yourself with males I think you have kinda answered your questions yourself loool

  2. I think this is a case where you should consider therapy to address your feelings, such as your disgust response.

    Right now, it doesn’t seem like you are in a good place to have a relationship. However, with some work that will absolutely change.

  3. Don’t give up hope. You’ll find that guy. I got one tip that might help. I know this will help guys so maybe it does with girls as well. Don’t go into a date horny. If I’m feeling horny n going to go on a date I usually jerk off so I won’t go into the date with that mindset. Like I said I know this helps guys so idk how it will work with the ladies.
    One more tip is that just go to places you normally love going to. Don’t force it by going to bars. So like if you love books go to Barnes and Noble n hang out until you see a guy you like. Then you’ll probably be more comfortable n you can be yourself n find the guy you like to take home

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