Iv been watching a lot of dating advice and came across women pulling away to test you , Iv been seeing someone and I behave really nonchalant and stay focused on my schedule and goals . We’ve been hanging out for 3 months and recently she went from calling me in the morning and night to no calls this did give me alittle anxiety and made me question if she was ready to move on but I rewatched the videos and remained reassured. Gave it the rest of the day and she ended up calling me ,said how she was waiting for me to call her but I didn’t so I still hold the dominance in this relationship which I intend to keep this way since it bring more benefits to my life instead of me chasing. Also so not ask why she is being distant or question anything! It shows no confidence to her ,She said how it’s been 6 days since she saw me and she wanted to come over only if I’ll cuddle her (guaranteed sex) moral of the story , do not chase , exept in the begging when u plan the first date to show interest ,she’ll know if she likes you the first date then it’s a smooth ride

  1. Lol. Just be confident in yourself and let her know that you are. No need for all the other overthinking and game playing.

  2. Big difference between chasing and pursuing. I advocate for the latter.

    Chasing shows a tinge of desperation. Women don’t like that.

    Pursuing shows your interest but no desperation. You could almost indifferent if she texts back, calls, wants to see you again or not.

    It can be difficult not to chase though when you come across someone you really like

  3. Thing is, these tests are purely subconscious. It’s unlikely that any girl is aware that she seems to be pulling away because in her mind she’s probably just like ‘oh I was busy’

    But I want to emphasize that it’s not just women doing it. When I start to notice people becoming a little too into me I also tend to distance myself, and I think it’s just a natural response when people feel that the other person is becoming clingy.

    Either way the appropriate response is simply to focus on yourself and not put any time into figuring out mind games that the other person probably doesn’t even realize is supposedly happening

  4. Holding dominance, seriously??
    That’s yet another game play.
    I was watching some dating coaches suggest women pull back a bit to see what a man would do, if they like you they will make contact, mens dating coaches don’t play into this either.
    Playing games is not good behaviour, just be yourself and bring your best self forward.
    As for holding dominance that is not a good mark for a man. Please don’t say you are into this so called Alpha man bull****?

  5. Not to hate on your success story or anything, but “I didn’t so I still hold the dominance in this relationship.” cannot be a healthy mindset to dating, it sounds exhausting to be playing social chess with her or yourself or whatever is going on. It kinda sounds like either you took advice from the wrong kind of people, or you took the advice the wrong way.

    Either way, I think you should reassess why you want a relationship, and what kind of relationship you want, cause this post is laden with red flags

  6. I agree with you but I’m a woman. I don’t chase either and you would be having a stale mate with me lol. Probably wishing you could come “cuddle”

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