As the title says, I just started dating someone who I met on a dating app in october in my country (Europe). He’s originally from overseas (US), but he came here for work almost two years ago and will be in my country for an unidentified period. I need some advice because i’m not sure how this will go in the future and if we’re on the same page. I really, really like him.

How it all started: We met on a dating app, but before we matched, he reached out to me over instagram and from there on we started talking. A lot! I had some things going on in my life which let me to only meet him in november. Our first date was phenomenal. We had so much to talk about, so much to laugh about, so much to learn about each other. We went on many dates after that, just getting to know each other, I met a few of his friends because I saw him perform one night (he’s a musician), he stayed over at my place, I stayed over at his two times. During our first dates, he mentioned that he had to go to the US for work-related things and family/friends visits, which was planned long before, and that he would be gone for 5 weeks. We both felt sad about it ofcourse, he even said that he wouldn’t have made the trip that long if he knew me before he planned it. We spent the night together before his flight the next day, and I dropped him off the airport so we could have a real goodbye.

Now we’re 3,5 weeks in (2 more to go!) and I was super relieved to find out that he’s a really consistent communicator. Even with 7 hours of time difference, he almost facetimes me daily (something he was the initiator in), and we chat daily about the things that are going on in our lives. We send memes, pictures of things that remind us of each other, just… couple things? He tells me often he really misses me, and he even talked to some friends about me. I’m thrilled, since I’ve had my fair share of guys that bail on me after sleeping with me in the early stages of dating. We’re often talking about the things we wanna do in my country after he gets back here. We did a little bit of sexting too, just to keep things enticing. He even talked to some of my friends through facetime on New year and they really liked him (there was a small party at my house and we facetimed during).

Somehow, it all seems too perfect almost, but there is a but: I accidently saw that at his dating app profile where we met, he has changed his bio to ‘mainly in US, sometimes in Europe’. When we met on the app, it was the other way around. I spotted this after a friend asked me to show some of his pictures and I wanted to show his profile. On one hand I get that ‘dating’ in the US can be different than in Europe, where I feel that us Europeans tend to be more monogamous in the beginning, while in the US it’s more casual until you mutually agree on a real relationship. It’s also difficult to navigate all this with a person I saw about 5-6 times in person, but talked to on facetime every single day for a month. He even said something in the lines of ‘when I love someone, I really want to protect them’, after I said that I find him a real gentleman when he was worried about someone that was following me on the street while I was facetiming him.

I feel really conflicted, I do feel that we share a unique connection, and I don’t want to let this go. I’m not sure if I should just see how things go when he comes back in two weeks or if I should bring it up. Any advice?

  1. You are over thinking it, when he comes back to Europe you two will figure something out.

    Atleast he is consistently texting and calling you while he is in US, Most guys won’t. Its a sign he is really interested in you and I’m sure he can’t wait to see you again when he gets back

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