Women who have been stopped and searched by the cops, how was it? how did you react?

  1. I was shaking yo. That’s cause I had weed on me and it was illegal in NY at the time lmao. The only thing wrong that happened was the cop was going through my pictures on my phone 🤔 idk what that was for and it wasn’t like examining every picture just scrolling through. I was 17 tho and literally shaking and speechless lmao.

  2. Define “searched”… I was stopped and asked a couple of questions (how old I was, what we had been doing at the park) They wanted to see my identity card (you’re required to carry one in Germany) and look into my bag, pockets and jacket. This was in Germany, near an area where lots of people smoked weed and I was a very middle eastern looking teenager.

    I was a little scared, but not more than when they control tickets in public transport. I got increasingly pissed once I comprehended that they had specifically picked me out of a group of very white friends. They acted absolutely politely (potentially also because my id revealed my super German name). However they totally racially profiled me and it was the first, but not the last time it has happened, so it really stuck with me.

  3. I have been searched twice. Both times very professionally. No complaints. They had a job to do and explained on demand.

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