I (f,21) believe my husband (m, 20) had a psychotic break. He likes to dabble in drugs but to my knowledge he’s never done anything too hard. By this I mean, marijuana and shrooms is pretty much the most he’s ever had. Two nights ago my husband took adderal, a small dose, but I’m not sure if he had anything along with it. I didn’t realize at the time but I think he was losing his mind the first night he took the adderal. My husband is not the kind of person to hurt anyone, he genuinely tries to keep the peace and not bother anyone. The night he first took adderal he unlocked my sisters bedroom door and went in her room. He shut the door behind him and she said get out. He said “you don’t want me in here?” And this kind of behavior is not normal for him. He took another adderal yesterday and hadn’t slept a wink. I had to stay up all night to make sure he didn’t go in my sisters room, he ended up sneaking back in and this time only wearing a towel. He kept checking our windows and closet and saying someone was watching us. He acted a bit hostile towards me, telling me he didn’t think our son(3) was his. He said “at least I know she’s mine” referring to our daughter we had only a week ago. He said so many things that he wouldn’t say in the right state of mind. And he’d NEVER harm my family so I don’t know if he’s lost his mind literally or if he’s on some kind of drugs. I kicked him out of my moms house this morning and called his family to come get him. Before his family could make it he was being picked up by the ambulance because he was on a neighbor’s porch. I just don’t know what to do, I don’t think we can ever come back from this because of what he put my sister through but I know wholeheartedly that wasn’t his true self.

  1. I am sorry that you’re going through this. But you’re taking the proper precautions. I know it’s not his true self, but this is unpredictable and uncontrollable behavior. You have no idea what he is capable of when he is acting this way.

    You cannot risk being around him when he is being hostile. You need to isolate your family away from him until he is back into the right state of mind. In the meantime, he needs help. Needs to see a doctor, psychologist, therapist, etc. Can you two recover from this? I am not sure, it is certainly damaging. But he needs help, help that is from a distance.

  2. Sounds like a psychotic break, also sounds like you’re a bunch of inbred backwater freaks Jesus Christ

  3. Here’s what you need to do.

    Take the pills he took, to the hospital. Have them test those pills to make sure they’re *only* Adderall. I’m not on the illegal drugs scene so I have no idea what the real probability of Adderall being cut with something else is, but I know harder drugs are often cut with something else.

    Then you can tell him exactly what he was taking when he sobers up.

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