What are your thoughts on the current Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial, the prior history leading up to it and also the Will Smith fiasco?

  1. I didn’t know Depp was back in court but I hope he gets justice this time. Fucked up how some people just let AH off the hook for domestic abuse.

    Increasingly think the WS thing was staged (or similar)

  2. I am team Johnny but I also realise he isn’t perfect and they both were not perfect. I just think she was more manipulative and abusive imho. But, who knows the real truth.

  3. Sick of hearing about them, the Smiths, and any other melodramatic multi-millionaires, who have access to instant help/multiple resources.

    More concerned about the woman/dude down the block who doesn’t have access to quick assistance.

  4. I’m not following closely. I like Johnny Depp, I guess, and I think high profile cases that involve domestic abuse from women are sort of important for dislodging some toxic masculinity (While unfortunately also giving ammunition to the MRAs who want to play in the oppression olympics), but I ultimately don’t care. These are rich people who are only getting attention because they’re famous, not because anyone actually cares about domestic abuse

  5. Originally I believed Amber completely. But over the years I realized I should have been more skeptical of such serious claims even made by a women. I am happy Johnny is getting his chance in court. I think his testimony has been very genuine so far. I truly hope they both can find a fair resolution and move on. I know how difficult it is to process an abusive relationship, that’s almost hard than ending it.

    As for Will Smith, I am so over it. I expect a grown man to not react violently to a joke, even one in poor taste. Tbh… His wife does seem kinda… odd with her phrasing and perception from the snippets I see. Seeing how they interact makes me very uncomfortable, just very weird dynamics. But it could all be more show and attention. I’d rather not feed into that, I did it enough in my youth and it’s just ultimately a waste of my time to entertain celebrities seemingly foolish actions.

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