What do you guys do when you’re heartbroken?

  1. If history is any indicator. I go get laid. Hard to care about an ex when I am having fun with someone new.

  2. Gym, walk in nature, run, any activity to clear or occupy your mind.
    If I am unable to do those activities, I mostly dive into my work

  3. Exercise with full range of motion till technical failure

    Jokes aside, prioritising your body through training and your mind through meditation or mindful breathing and maybe journaling has helped me immensely. It also makes you prioritise yourself, something my current partner finds insanely attractive

  4. Isolate myself, dedicate the extra time to gym and work, try to advance my life at break neck speed for roughly 6 months to a year. Then back to normal about a year later with more gains, more money, and normally a better work title

  5. I occupy my mind fully. Find a new activity to try, that is not easily mastered. When I do something that demands my full attention, I find that my thoughts run to heartbreak less constantly.

  6. If my mind isn’t constantly and utterly distracted, i WILL wallow in my own despair. I think its honestly a big reason why a lot of dudes are gamers. I have really severe adhd so when I play a game that takes up my full attention (or any other activity that accomplishes that task, it really does mame me feel like I’m in another world, I just forget about everything else. When my last relationship ended, I decided to watch all of Naruto from the very first episode. I can honestly say that that show saved me from probably the roughest moment in my life thus far. Its really crazy how much a distraction can do for you when you’re struggling. Its like being able to put your problems on pause and go on an adventure whenever you’d like!

    The only other option i guess is to sit around and allow my negative thoughts to consume me. It sucks a lot so I like doing other stuff that is not that c:

  7. Be pissed, sad, workout, distract with fun and/or engaging life tasks, and see a therapist if I’m not improving.

    Takes about 6 months to a year for me generally.

  8. It differs depending on who you ask. For me, typically I let myself process what happened then try and go on with life at the same time.

  9. I am everyday, and it stays that way, I cry and try to distract myself but that only works in short spurts

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