I’m a widow 24F.

I’m not ready to start dating yet but given my age, it’s possible I will, and whoever I date I will date with the intention of having a future with this person.

So my question is, would you rather hear I’m a widow on the first date, or wait to see if you like the person first?

I feel like it’s inevitable it will come up in conversation regardless but idk I feel it would be weird to bring it up “I’m a widow”.

By the way, when I say widow, we were not married, but I still use this term as we were planning on marrying, and it was a long term relationship and regardless, he was my partner.

Also any other tips appreciated as his friends are trying to get me to go out/meet people and I feel like I’ve lost all social skills.

  1. This might be different because of age and circumstance but I’m a mid 30s divorced guy. No one in my age range puts that they were divorced or widowed in their dating profiles. Sometimes being divorced comes up on date one but most of the time date one is light, fun conversation just to gage if you even like being with the other person. Then usually one date two or three more intimate things come up.

    I was married when I was your age so I haven’t dated at your age, but in your 30s everyone has some sort of baggage and past relationship history so it’s to be expected. I would assume that when you disclose that you’re a widow some guys your age might fumble their response (i probably would, I know its a sensitive subject i wouldn’t want to ask too many questions but also wouldn’t want to seem disinterested so finding that balance can be hard).

    As far as social skills, being comfortable flirting and being on dates comes with practice. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and try to have fun. Good luck.

  2. You’re actually not a widow, and it’s kind of odd you’re so insistent on using the term.

    Guys get really insecure over other men that have been with you romantically. There is no good way to tell a new guy that you like about that other guy who you were so sure you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

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