What physical changes have you experienced as you have grown older? How have these changes affected your daily life and overall health?

  1. After I joined ROTC in college and started working out regularly, I gained more muscle. Before I was a skin-and-bones scrawny twig man, and now I’m a slightly more muscular skinny twig man.

    I still can’t lift to save my life, but at least now I can carry my own bodyweight a lot better, especially for climbing on things. (I’ve learned I’m capable of a lot more gymnastics than I thought.) And I’ve found it’s given me a lot more energy too!

  2. Recovery time from binge drinking increased and can wipe out ambition “the next day.” Time to slow the alcohol consumption down.

  3. I can hear the voices more clearly now. It’s easier to tell the rude ones from the just angry ones. I think this a turning point for our relationship! Wish me luck!

  4. I have to actually do all those things we always hear we are supposed to: floss more, stretch and warm up before working out, watch my salt intake, eat more fiber, etc. It all starts to matter, just a question of when do you realize it and stop fighting it.

  5. I think my overall physique has improved, I used to struggle with stubborn baby fat and patchy beards but now I’m 25 and I’ve leaned out, grown out my hair, and my beard and I think I look better than I used to. I’ve also noticed my appetite changed as I got older.

  6. Injuries take longer to heal and I am carrying a few small ones that don’t go away.

    I’m just a bit more tired every day. Not a lot on its own but each decade it adds up.

    I’m 40.

  7. I grew out my hair a little (Used to have a crewcut) and found a hair style I love (Comb over). Now I’m not afraid to be in photos.

  8. Mind writes checks my body can’t cash.

    On the racquetball court and my brain wants me to dive for the ball. My body isn’t interested in that anymore.

    Fell the other day on a slick wet walkway. Still hurts 3 days later-10 years ago that wouldn’t have even been something I noticed except the bruised pride.

  9. I’m 25 now. Since my early teenage years, on special occasions, I had a glass together with my parents from time to time and never felt drunk but now I’m getting a little dizzy straight away. Some of the pains I had many years before started to resurface for a brief moment – e.g. my waist/kidney area I hurt in a gym on my sophomore year. My dermatitis from pre-teen childhood came back and doesn’t go away. No big deal, but it had spread from the back of my hands to my knees and elbows. That’s it so far

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