Need to commiserate? Get it off your chest! We know dating can be frustrating and this is the place to talk about it.

  1. Me and my ex spent 2 years together and he found a new girl in less then a month šŸ™‚ it made me question my worth šŸ¤£

  2. I have to get used to being around someone again meaning like at each other’s places at stuff often. If things get serious it’s just been me for awhile. I’m kinda set in my ways about some stuff haha maybe that’s more of a shower thought šŸ¤”

  3. Iā€™m annoyed at being told Iā€™m a ā€œcatchā€ when I literally never get approached. Even if Iā€™m in a relationship. I donā€™t deliberately put out any sort of vibe, and sure itā€™s flattering to hear that, but disappointing to not experience it. Iā€™m annoyed that I keep getting told things that are well intentioned, but repetitive. Iā€™m hurting from a breakup and being told how I deserve better and any guy would be lucky to blah blah blah. Thanks but ā€¦. Look around?? If thatā€™s true then why do I feel like Iā€™m standing here alone? And like 98% sure heā€™s already dating/talking to other women < 1 week later? **Iā€™m definitely not trying to date right away like I suspect he is, just saying I donā€™t even seem to have the option. Also OLD is not an option Iā€™m interested in anyway, but especially not knowing I will likely come across him and it will break me big time. ā€¦.. *sigh* /rant

  4. Stood up three nights in a row while I curved a sure thing. Almost miss my long distance situationship

  5. The number of men using their girlfriendā€™s pics or sex vids on tinder is super high. My friend had hers leaked on OF recently.

    Seriously itā€™s not worth it

  6. A regret I have is that I should have made more of an effort to date in my 20s. After mutually ending a relationship at 22, I focused on school and my career and didn’t make an effort to meet new people or date. I kept my existing friends close though. I think Covid was the last straw, as it showed that despite putting work into building a “stable life”, the world can turn upside down in an instant. You can’t really be certain of what the future will look like. I felt powerless while everything was in lockdown, whereas before it always felt like I had the option to date, and chose not to, if that makes any sense.

    I’ll be going on my first date in nearly 10 years this weekend (assuming I’m not cancelled, stood up, or catfished, or whatever else it is people do nowadays…). I hope it will be a fun experience for both of us.

  7. I had a fucking whirlwind of the last few days.

    I thought, meh, why not? Why not just sext these guys and see what happens?

    And holy shit it got to be too much. Exciting at times, but just the insane amount of energy I was getting from multiple men in hot pursuit was overwhelming.

    So the rant is- it sucks to be reacquainted with this horrible feeling of a guy only wanting to be with you as much as he can objectify you. Before the sexts, decent responders, meh planners to hang out. After the sexts- willing to put anything off to make time. After letting them know I want to pump the brakes on the sexting- awkward aloofness.

    I **know** people will be like ā€œwell duhā€. But isnā€™t it shitty regardless? And I certainly feel like crap. That a guy doesnā€™t want to make time for me unless my body is involved. Because my romantic life has been at a standstill for quite a while due to *not* being sex forward and always testing the waters first. I still think itā€™s the smarter thing to do, especially after the last few days, but itā€™s a long and winding road regardless. And I honestly donā€™t have much hope in finding someone who would like me for me.

  8. Iā€™ve never dated before really and Iā€™ve been getting to know a guy I met last week when I was out. I been single three years and not looking but we literally kinda bumped into each other as we were walking in same direction. We have met up twice now and are chatting etc we have kissed at the end both times.

    When do you start talking about current situations. Like what theyā€™re looking for, are they dating for fun/relationship etc I donā€™t do OLD but I know he does as when we met he was in his way home after a tinder date that didnā€™t go well. We havenā€™t discussed past relationships/breakups etc at all, I havenā€™t asked yet and neither has he he just knows heā€™s the first person for a while. I donā€™t know if he has FWBs or not. When I got in his car his phone connected and their was message pop up from someone calling him ā€˜babeā€™ so I assume heā€™s seeing other women at same time.

    It will be date 3 next week, Iā€™ve been lurking on here to know that date 3 is when most people expect to be having sex??

    So yeah, when to bring all this up? When I donā€™t even know what I want myself either as this just happened when I wasnā€™t expecting

  9. I feel like Iā€™m about to settle for a nice guy after pursuing the hottest guys I could find for years. Why do I feel like even settling will end in more termoil. I turn 30 this year and Iā€™m just really scared to go through my 30s alone.

  10. While on assignment for work I crushed hard on a coworker last year. It was mostly an ongoing flirtation, we went on a couple dates. We spent a romantic evening together and made out the last time I saw him 6 months ago, then we both went back home and we haven’t talked much since. I will be working with him again soon. I’m nervous! I’m excited? I don’t know how to be. Talk about it? Play it cool? Read the vibe and act accordingly?

  11. Being a single mom and dating sucks. I give up. I get these guys who give off weird vibes and come with baggage, I canā€™t deal with. I try to be as drama free as possible, but not sure if thatā€™s possible.

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