Sorry for the redundant post about height. But I’m genuinely curious.

I’m a short/ average guy (5’9). My ex broke up with me sighting my height as one of the reasons as we were the same height. I’ve been facing lot of self esteem issues since then. Before that I wasn’t insecure about me height at all.

In order to gain my self esteem back I started consulting and talking with lot of People regarding this thing.

I understand that height is one of the main attractive features and it can be non negotiable for some people.

At the same time I’ve seen so many guys in my university who are as same height as me or shorter and are in stable/ healthy relationships.

I’m in mid 20s so I follow the celebrities too. I see so many couples where there’s evident height difference like Tom and Zendaya. I also see people thirsting over Zayn Malik, Zac Efron.

I’m aware of the basic things like having a fit body, regular grooming and well fitting clothes also make a difference. I also understand that a personality of the person also plays a significant role.

I’ve been working on everything else. I’m physically fit, I have hobbies (play guitar/ practice martial arts). I always dress up well when I go out. I’ll say that I’ve a decent personality. I’m well educated. Doctor. About to graduate med school.

The only drawbacks I have are my average height and that I’m broke (student loans). I’ll start earning next year when I start practicing medicine as a doctor.

I’m still facing lot of self esteem issues after the breakup and it’s eating from inside as it’s something I can’t control. I’ve stopped dating on temporary basis as I don’t want my insecurities to be a burden in my next relationship.

I’m just curious that what can I do as a short guy to be more appealing?

And any advice on self esteem will also help me a lot.

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