I’m always stuck dealing with my emotions without support. I address my feelings about anything hard I dealt with and all he can say is “that’s not good.” It’s never “I’m here for you” or anything remotely close.
It’s never “hey do you wanna hang out tonight?” It’s “I’m gonna shower and then I’ll be over. Is there any food made?” It’s, “are you still gonna be mad?” instead of “i’m sorry i hurt your feelings.”
I hung out with an old friend (girl) one night because she lives farther out of town. My house and the mall. Things went horribly because of her bringing up dumb sht from the past.
He was mad that I didn’t respond for 4 hours even though he knew I would be with him.
HE ASKED FOR SCREENSHOTS of our conversation.
Not only am I crushed about an 8 year friendship ending, but now a boyfriend who can’t be supportive.
I didn’t respond to him after he said “hm.”
It’s been 4 days.

Side note: His ex-fiancé tried to hit on him when he was dropping off his son whom they each have every other weekend. Wondering if that’s what has kept him entertained these last 4 days.

tldr: boyfriend is making me question everything

  1. Sounds like it’s just the case of a shitty bf. Not all are like that, you just have to keep trying until you find a better guy

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