Or if you’ve moved and moved back, what do you miss about your former new country?

  1. I grew up in Spain but moved back to England with my Spanish partner a few years ago.

    Pros about England: more polite and introverted people (our preference), more food variety, British food, way better beer, most services work better (trains, busses, anything to do with the government), nicer countryside, and we prefer the climate here

    Pros about Spain: friendlier people, Spanish food, way better coffee, more efficient health service, better maintained traditions.

    Both have their charms, but ultimately prefer it here.

  2. I’ve been living in Austria for almost 11 years.

    What do I prefer about it? Lots of things – I live in Vienna and its a relatively international city whilst not being massive. There is always something to do.

    Cost of living is a big one, and salary is pretty good. We pay quite high taxes but you can see the good that comes from them.

    I do quite like Austrian food as well. Plus wine. Austria is a big wine country and Vienna is right in the thick of it, with vineyards within the city.

    What do I appreciate about the UK when I come home?

    Beer. I really miss real ale. There is just something about it. Curries as well. Austrians think pepper is spicy so you can imagine what a curry house is like (and there are loads of them here too). Curries are getting better but it’s still a far cry from going out back home.

    Other foods like pasties and British cakes. Sometimes you just need a coffee and walnut cake and as delicious as cakes are here (patisserie central) they just aren’t the same.

    Sense of humour – the Austrians can be funny but most of them don’t get my dry self deprecating sarcasm. It’s nice to be home amongst like minded people sometimes.

    And I do miss the weather, as weird as that might be. Even when it rains it isn’t the same.

  3. Been living in Denmark a few years, there are a huge list of pros to living here but of course more than a few things I miss as well.

    For me the main positives about living here are:
    Absence of capitalism,
    Better work life balance,
    Better workers rights, maternity/paternity leave etc,
    Excellent wages, even in lower paid industries,
    Clean streets,
    Lack of crime,
    Higher food standards,
    Free higher education,
    Tightly regulated rental prices,

    And the negatives:
    Insane prices for everything (except rent),
    40% income tax,
    Archaic banking and online shopping systems,
    Public transport could be improved but then that’s true, of the UK too.

    And then there are things I just miss, like the BBC, full English breakfasts, cadburys chocolate and perhaps most of all the british sense of humour.

    I really do love it here and think it’s a great place to live, but the UK will always be home.

  4. Lived in vancouver, Canada for five years.

    Absolutely stunning scenery. Loved riding round Stanley Park on a nice day even though it would be rammed. Had a decent social life there (eventually).

    Unfortunately got shafted with my job and the property prices / rent are very high. Alot of friends have moved out solely due to that.

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