When I asked how often they take it, they told me about once a month. Not sure if it’s the truth.

  1. I don’t date people who partake in illegal drug use. Doesn’t matter how often. That’s a boundary for me.

  2. I would do nothing as I’ve done it myself recreationally. But I’ve had times where I haven’t because a girlfriend didn’t like drugs. As long as they are not addicted to it, it’s up to you. I’d probably suggest they don’t take it around you though.

  3. I used to be against any drugs. Didn’t want to associate with people thst did

    Then I grew up and realized that doing it doesn’t make anyone a bad person.

    I just see it like taking alcohol.

  4. I’d just monitor it and play it by ear. Once a month isn’t too bad, sounds recreationally. Have them do it before sex (or around you to see how they behave) it might change your mind!

    “I’ve done it before but it isn’t something I regularly do,” I’d keep dating them, probably not marry them though.

    If it doesn’t impact the relationship or how they treat you or value you, then not a huge problem until it becomes a problem. At least they were honest and upfront.

  5. I’d keep an eye on it. Cocaine turns a lot of people into arseholes, and I’m not really here for that.

  6. Yeh there’s a big difference between doing it once a month during a party night, and disappearing for a fews days at a time in a month. In my experience people can go from one extreme to the other fairly quickly, I prefer to avoid that in my life entirely.

  7. It depends, I left a girl because she sometimes took, I was younger, nowadays that’s something I regret, I tried coke, I remember that the moment I took it I thought of her, thinking I was an stupid, she’s now having a great life, and it could be together with me, but that’s not the only possibility, what if her got addicted, what would be now, I won’t absolutely regret, idk, try to analice the situation and the frequency of her use of drugs, and then when u have sure what you want, and what you want to risk, make a decision, good luck and I hope u get a solution 🙂

  8. I dropped certain friends because all they would do is drink and snort coke whenever we hanged. I definitely would not want to share a lifetime with a partner that does the same.

  9. When I was young I went through a phase of hard partying which included cocaine. I never did herion or other hard stuff. When I graduated college I quit everything but alcohol. It does not say how old you guys are.

  10. General lifestyle is important to determine compatibility while dating.

    It is ok if you don’t want to be intimately involved with someone who does drugs (or smokes, etc.).

    If that is the case just tell him you aren’t compatible.

  11. Actual cocaine user here, I use it one or two Friday nights a month.

    It’s one of the most addictive drugs on the planet. I myself do a good job of moderating my use, but that definitely doesn’t apply to everyone.

    In my opinion, dumping someone over using it once a month or so is a disproportionate response, unless drugs are a limit for you. That much is understandable.

    If they abuse cocaine or do it too often, then yeah they probably aren’t worth your while. If they’re often broke but still get cocaine, that’s a sign of that.

    If they only partake infrequently, I really wouldn’t worry about it. While it is a highly addictive drug and can be dangerous, the danger of it is vastly overblown and its really only as dangerous as the person doing it.

    The cutting agents that bad dealers use to cut their cocaine with kills more people than the cocaine itself.

  12. Stop dating and end all contact, I’ve seen more than enough recreational illegal substance users & addicts. Won’t date one.

    I draw the line after legal cigarettes, booze, cigars and shisha.

    No time for recreational drug habits or illegal drug dealing. Nor putting cash into the pockets of organised crime gangs.

  13. JFC, some of ya’ll have your panties in a wad about a little Johnny. This is Reddit – don’t tell me your Adderall script is okay but the occasional dance with the white lady is not.

  14. That would be a dealbreaker for me. The only recreational drug I’m okay with is weed, and that’s if the person’s personality doesn’t revolve around it

  15. Drugs can just be during an experimental/recreational phase eg at college or uni. A lot of people do that and they’re fine. But occasional use can also lead to a bad situation, i.e you’re not in control anymore. I had a similar experience to you except I was the user. Don’t underestimate the damage it can do to yourself, your partner and your relationship. My advice for you is:

    1)Most important thing to do is safeguard yourself. Don’t start doing coke with them. High chance it’ll fuck up your mind, nose, finances, work, life, pretty much everything.

    2) Try to get a better idea of how much they do it, and then you’ll have to decide if you’re comfortable with their lifestyle, but bear in mind that use can escalate over time. If your instincts tell you they’re lying about it they probably are. Lying is something that addicts do all the time. I lied about the same thing so many times to my partner out of shame or to avoid judgement or them worrying. Dishonesty isn’t great generally but with drugs it’s a bad sign in my experience. Maybe google ‘signs of addiction’ if you’re concerned.

    Bottom line is – If it makes you uncomfortable it’s not a great sign. I’m coming from a ‘worst case scenario’ perspective. It might not be this bad or develop into a full scale addiction etc. please whatever you do, don’t touch the stuff yourself.

    Best of luck

  16. Cocaine is a very commonly used drug especially that age range. A lot of guys do that but are responsible with it. Don’t worry about it until you yourself noticing him doing it a lot

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