Hey guys, it’s been a while since I posted a question on this sub. The last time I did it, the response was amazing and I got to learn a lot. This time it’s a question which everyone is free to answer, but I would still prefer it more to hear from women themselves.

So, when I was younger, I fell for this woman whom I had started talking to online, and no, I didn’t meet her on a dating app. In hindsight, many things happened which still confuse me about her. The bottomline of all those things is that she started treating me like a very special person, very soon, and this exclusivity combined with my naivity back then made me feel so sure of it being a clear sign of interest from her side.

The things that she did, which make me feel so are :

1. Within a couple of days of us talking, mentioned that she talks about me to her best friend
2. Spent at least a couple of hours everyday talking to me, and that too very enthusiastically
3. Asked me to tag her into some song, and when I chose a romantic one, she said, ” I like it!”
4. Sent me a fun questionnaire containing questions like, ” Would you hug me if I need you someday?” and ” What will we do if we are locked in a room and the key is lost?”
5. Told me that, “I wish you lived in the same city as me! We would have been close friends!” within a couple of days of us talking

These things happened within a week of us talking. Also,

6. Hardly after a week passed, one day she went out with her friend and went live on social media to share it with others. Then later texted me, ” Why didn’t you join it when I went live?”, and then even asked, ” Should I go live again? I will. This time don’t miss it”.

And when she did and I joined it, her eyes lit up at seeing that notification and she waved a hi, and her friend said, ” Look, he has come. At least say a hi, dude!” (As she didn’t notice her waving at me). This made me feel kinda special, as even her friend (whom I didn’t even talk to so far) cared for her to not ignore me now.

7. That very night, she asked me something along the lines of, ” Dude, can I ask something? If sometimes we are unable to talk, please don’t forget me. Please dont, because I consider you a true friend”, which felt a little too strong to be just a friendly message, as hardly a week had passed of us talking and she cared about me leaving or not so soon.

Overall, she treated me like a very special person, and at that point of time I felt that she possibly likes me because of it.

Now, while nowadays I won’t come to the same conclusion as back then, I still wonder till date if all this treatment was clearly a platonic one and I am the only one unable to see it.

I wish to improve my understanding of relationships with this post. Thus, as the title says, is it normal for a woman to give so much exclusivity/special treatment to a friend so soon, or is it nothing wrong in interpreting this treatment as a possibility of romantic interest?

  1. Women is a very broad group. This might be a romantic interest, or she might very well just be a flirty person that shares every little thing with their friends.
    Really no way to know, except for just asking her.
    The important thing here, is to determine what you want.
    If you like her, and want something more, make a move!
    But be prepared she might say no.
    If you don’t want something more, just leave it be and enjoy your friendship.

  2. As of this was ago and the friendship lasted around a week?

    Why is this a topic in your life now? How old you were and how ole are you now?

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