Do you wipe when you pee? If not, why not? πŸ€”

  1. You unzip, whip out, do your thing, shake, back inside and zip.
    If you need to wipe, it means you spilled it somewhere.

  2. Wipe my dick on the person’s leg pissing next to me? Duh how am I supposed to show dominance

  3. Yeah. Some other guys have gotten on my case for admitting it, but I’m unashamedly reducing the risk of a UTI by wiping da tip. Mom & dad worked medical careers and that was part of my potty training! I teach the same to my own son.

  4. Yes, unless I’m at a urinal or outside.
    I don’t know where I got the idea from.
    Why? Cause I don’t want it going down my leg or making a spot on my pants (If I’m going commando)
    Apparently One other person on this thread does it to prevent UTI. Good enough of an excuse.

  5. Listen I get as a woman you sit and you can slam dunk it every time. My wife pisses like a god damn pressure washer but she hits the hole every time.

    As a man our urine has farther to travel out of the body and if you have ejaculated within the previous 24 hours it usually comes out in 2-3 streams.

    When we pee we are relaxing a muscle that opens up the stream and it goes down the longer tube.

    When we shake it, etc. we are still relaxing that muscle unconsciously and we think we are done.

    Once we get ready to zip up we flex that muscle and put it back then usually relax that muscle and inevitably a drip of pee will come out of the tube.

    Whether we wipe or not, a drop of pee will always wind up in our underwear or hanging out near the tip.

  6. I clean it every time . Unless it’s in public, since there’s no real way for us too

  7. I go further than that, I whip my dick out in the sink and rinse it with water after every pee, then pat it dry with a towel. If I’m at a public restroom then I just use paper of course.

    Idk, I like to stay clean.

  8. Yeah always. If I’m at a urinal that doesn’t happen to have its own toilet paper dispenser, I will walk across the bathroom to the stalls with my dick out, grab two sheets of toilet paper and wipe away. After I finish wiping my dick, I will traverse back to the urinal I was using, zip my pants back up and wash my hands.

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