Hi reddit, my gf and I have been together since September, and things have been great until Dec 17 when she couldn’t make it to a movie with me, she started acting different, distant.

After Christmas I asked her when a good time for me to come up and meet her family and give her her gifts from my family would be, she lives 2 hrs away from my town, and I’ve got nothing from her since.

She’s met my family, who all love her, I made a point to keep my attention on her for the most part when she’s around them, she’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever been with and I’m big on ‘treat others the way you like to be treated’ so I don’t think I’ve been a bad partner.

I would go see her but I don’t have her address…. What should I do here? Do I just tell her I’m here if she needs me and leave her be?

(Posting at 1am so I apologise if this isn’t as coherent as it could be)

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