I’m non binary, and still trying to figure my look. Sometimes I’m just not feeling it and as a result my self confidence takes a deep dive too. That could result in a frown or just a sad face : (..This happens way too frequently and is affecting my will to interact with people in person.

How do I plug or fix it? I’m working on my appearance, but it’s hard work and even seeking help takes courage and me to be out and meet people, whether they are new friends or professionals.

What can I do to make my appearance less of a factor when meeting someone new. To let them see and perceive the me under the cover.

  1. Tbh i have the same issue. Im non binary too, figuring out my look aswell. Thats it, i dont have a solution šŸ™ if you find any, hit me up

  2. I mean I know you want to sort of move away from appearance, but you don’t have to be “conventially pretty-faced” to be cool!!!
    Sometimes I find I overcompensate with some form of loud accessory or jewelery. Sunglasses. Snake rings. Try wearing a trippy rainbow leopard print shirt. It’s a very easy conversation starter to wear something fun.

    Maybe instead of viewing your look as something you need to get sorted you can try enjoying your options while you figure out what you like best. Potentially hit up the thrift shops and go from there, pick one item you love and work the rest of your outfit around it. Try joining some fashion oriented groups. Different themes daily. It sounds like a lot of fun that could be had!!

    Know it’s not as simple as what I’ve written but hugs OP!

  3. Appearance plays less importance in friendships, you first need to believe that. But in order for you to believe it, is you have to understand what value you can give. Are you funny? Can you make people laugh? Think of any of your traits that you think can bring positive changes to someone.

    People will always not notice your good traits thus it’s your responsibility to display it to someone you want to be friends with.

  4. If you’re a cool person, your physical appearance isn’t going to be much of a factor. Also you should be aware that most other people are focused on their own insecurities. They are not thinking about how you look. Find clothes, jewelry and a hairstyle that make you feel cool. When you are relaxed and confident about yourself, people will feel it.

  5. I’m not really sure about what this whole topic means..

    I think I’m non-binary too but my problem with my looks is more about ‘I look too nerdy and clumsy and not confident of myself’ than what I should be looking like gender-wise. I mean, do you want to not look like either man or woman ? Or you don’t know what to look like yet ?
    THen what did you wear before you figured out you were non-binary ?
    Sorry, i just wonder what you are thinking about.

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