Me (27F) & my bf (38M) have quite an age gap. We have a great time when we’re together but I find when we’re apart, the communication is limited.

We live 2.5 hours apart and meet once a week. He doesn’t text very much in between. Sometimes we call and its around 15-30 mins.

He does have a young daughter who he loves very much and looks after equally alongside his ex wife- which I do understand requires his time.

I cant tell if I’m being incredibly needy by wanting more communication or is it strange he doesn’t text or call me unprompted more often?

Its making me a little sad and feel as though he doesn’t miss me. I’m so used to being in relationships where we would text or call regularly throughout the day. I currently have more communication with my friends than my bf of 5 months.

  1. He probably has stuff to do. I would ask him about the communication to find out and then just focus on myself in between dates. Texting non stop daily is not for everyone. Doesn’t mean he isn’t into you.

  2. Different people need different levels of communication in a relationship. Needing more than what you’re getting doesn’t necessarily make you needy. It COULD make you guys incompatible though. If you want to try to make this work, I would have a conversation about your needs. Don’t be accusatory, just tell him how you’re feeling. It’s possible he’s doing the best he can, though, so you may have to decide whether or not you can be ok with that. If not, you should move on.

  3. Sounds like the guy I was dating 😂.. trust me I had to leave because it was giving me anxiety. It’s not being needy it’s communication. I’m a very busy single mom and I still take time to text if I’m interested in a guy.

  4. If I met a guy once a week and didn’t talk in between I would consider him a FWB. The boyfriend is who you talk to about your day.

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