Hi redditors

I am a mid-30s guy, recently met a girl I liked and we’ll probably sleep together soon.

The issue: I have a penile implant. This means I get erections through a manual pump implanted in the lenis. Unfortunately I became impotent in my 20s due to an injury. The implant is usually not noticeable to partners unless I tell them, and does not affect fertility.

My question: When should I tell a potential partner about the implant? I don’t want to appear to deceive someone about the fact that I don’t get erections naturally. But at the same time it’s a tricky issue to bring up so soon into meeting someone.

When would you want to be told about something like this when dating someone? And what’s the right way to do it?

As a side note, I have slept with 5-10 people since having the implant, always told them before and never been a deal-breaker except once. But it’s a very difficult conversation to have without knowing someone well.

When, while dating someone, should I tell them I have a penile implant?

  1. I’d want to know as soon as we started talking about being in a relationship. Sex for me is important in a relationship.

    But I’ve also never heard of this.

  2. Bionic penis – that’s awesome!

    That’s none of their business tbh. It’s your penis, you aren’t obligated to share any information unless it’s harmful to your partner.

    So how does it work?.

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