Im a carer an rarely find time to eat healthy meals, on top of that everything I usually buy keels going up in price. Was wondering if anyone has tried that huel subscription things an what your experience has been with it?


  1. I couldn’t get past the taste and texture. It was absolutely disgusting so had to give up. Tried four different flavours and they all had the same aftertaste. I think I have an aversion to pea protein because I get the same thing from some fake meat products.

  2. I had two large packs for the shakes. Salted caramel and chocolate. They were very earthy, didn’t taste amazing, and left a horrible taste for a few hours. It worked for me to lose weight, but I couldn’t get past the taste or texture and gave up with it

  3. I used Huel for two years to help lose weight because it was easy to prep and flavour and took the decision making out of lunchtimes for me. Just took it into work downed it at 13:00 and carried on. My tip was to make sure you blend them, make them with nut milk, and add in like coffee syrups for flavour.

  4. It does the job. I got fed up having it every day, but I keep a bag and shaker in my drawer for a quick breakfast or lunch if needed. It’s just runny drinkable porridge, but I find the texture and taste (banana and salted caramel are both vaguely pleasant) are OK and it’s reasonably filling.

  5. I quite like Huel as an easy to make and filling breakfast. I’ve only had Huel Black because initially when I tried it I was attempting to increase my protein intake and I know I like it now so I haven’t risked changing and possibly not liking it. Coffee Caramel is my favourite and I found things like chocolate and the cookies and cream to be far too sweet, I don’t tend to like those sort of protein powders either for what it’s worth. Water then powder as well otherwise you end up with lots of lumps, you can also make it the night before and it loses a lot of the grainy-ness but becomes a lot thicker. I’ve seen people recommend a nutribullet to mix it but I’ve yet to try that.

    I’ve also had their hot and savoury pouches a few times and disliked them all. The mac and cheese on in particular stunk! Who knew fake cheese would smell even more like feet than ripened brie. They’ve got a carbonara one I want to try but after the mac disaster I’m put off ha

    Only things to be aware of is that Huel farts are a thing and you’ll have the super power ability to clear rooms, at least initially. I’d recommend not going crazy with it in your first month, 1-2 meals replaced a week at first. Overall I do quite like it and have recommended it to friends but appreciate that it’s not for everyone.

  6. I liked it. Kind of like an oaty milkshake. I wouldn’t have it every day, it’s extremely processed – more for convenience really where I need to fill up on something fairly healthy and fast.

  7. I found the meal ones (“hot and savoury?”) okay. Had them for dinners for a few weeks, could do it again. Some meal planning and prep will be cheaper and potentially just as healthy though.

  8. They sell flavour sachets, that helps to make it more palatable though some of the flavours are very artificial. Their sample pack is a good way to try it out.

    The shaker bottle they include doesn’t do a great job, you get a better drink if you make it using a blender.

    In the end I found it was OK, but the taste and texture just wasn’t for me and I couldn’t bring myself to finish the packet.

  9. Add a banana and some ice cold water and the vanilla version is really nice. I was having one most days while trying to gain weight.

  10. Works for me. I go for the vanilla and add fruit juice for flavour – all of their flavours we’re rather artificial for my taste. I recommend using a hand blender to mix it – much nicer texture that way. It’s not as nice as real food, but if you’re in a hurry it’s well balanced and much healthier than a chocolate bar and a bag of crisps.

  11. Just buy a protein powder and take a multi vitamin if it’s not a main meal, much cheaper and tastier

  12. You ever had that cheap ice cream that comes as a slab in a cardboard box? The sweet versions of Huel taste like you’re eating the box.

    I used Bulk’s breakfast smoothies for a while, they’re a more pleasant taste.

  13. It’s rank. Protein shakes or pot noodles are the same thing and infinitely tastier.

  14. I persevered with it for 7 weeks until the stomach pain and farts became unbearable. They say some people may experience wind but it was chronic and I had to stop.

  15. I’m currently using the black powder and the meals. The Bolognese isn’t bad but the Korma isn’t very nice, very bland.

    I’m using just because it’s cheaper and more convenient than getting breakfast and lunch at work.

    Subscription is fine, you cancel it whenever you want, no fuss. These get delivered monthly and you get notified when their due to be delivered.

    If you can handle drinking a thick shake 1-3 a day then you’ll be fine with it.

  16. Yeah alright I work anywhere between 8-12 hrs 5 days a week and often don’t take breaks so helps having something like this otherwise i just don’t eat anything or just like a snickers. Main problems are, it tastes much better cold and you have to blend it to get it mixed right so really need to remember to do it the day before so i don’t wake anyone up, obviously I forget

  17. If anyone knows of any palatable meal replacements, I’d love to hear about them. I’ve heard Huel is ‘oily’… not touching it.

  18. I used it, and liked it, although it was a bit boring.

    Then I got a stomach bug, made the mistake of trying to power through with Huel, and now my body associates it with vomit and I can’t touch the stuff any more.

  19. Currently using it for a couple of lunches a week. Nobody is gonna pretend it competes with “real food” in terms of taste and texture, but it’s a great tool to have in the weight loss / fitness armoury.

    Really quick and easy to prepare whenever you need a healthy 400kcal hit!

    Definitely tastes better than most protein shakes and things I’ve tried. Would recommend the mint choc flavour 🙂

  20. I think it’s a bit of a scam. It’s better to find time on the weekends to meal prep and freeze.

  21. I’ve tried Huel Black. It’s edible. It’s a *lot* better if made in a blender (it’s a bit gritty if not), but I feel like that sort of defeats the point.

    I liked the convenience of it, but disliked having to buy such a large amount in one go.

    I’m thinking of trying hot and savoury, but the same min purchase limit puts me off.

  22. My husband got into Huel when his workmates started drinking it to see what the hype was about. I was against it as it doesn’t seem healthy to me to drink your meals but I ended up having a try. I used a smoothie blender to mix it and I actually found the texture nice! Kind of like runny ready break. Had a kind of gritty but porridgy feel to it which made me see it as more of a food than a drink. It kept me full for longer than I expected and I was only having half portions.


    Husband often works long hours and it can be unpredictable when they will get to take breaks so often tend to work through lunch so drinking a meal is easier than sitting and eating one. According to the huel bags they contain all the necessary vitamins etc so you don’t miss out but I couldn’t imagine having them and no food at all. 1 meal a day replaced with a shake I can see the benefit of.


    One thing they did to save money initially was to each get a bag of a different flavour and share between them so they didn’t end up getting a huge bag of something they didn’t like. Not sure if many of them stuck with it though or if it was a bit of a fad thing.

  23. I tried really hard to like it as it’s not cheap. Had to give up as it just tasted horrible. I’ve since brought a slow cooker and cook multiple hearty meals in bulk! So much tastier and better results in the gym!

  24. I’ve just ordered a couple of sacks of the black stuff after trying the ready made stuff recently at the co-op.

    For me, it’ll be perfect. It’s a nutritionally complete meal which is ideal as my diet could be better (it could be worse too but still any help is welcome), and personally I will have one for breakfast. I don’t always enjoy eating at that time (but I do NEED to as I don’t function when starving), and it saves time on preparation and also trying to come up with a different idea for every day just to have a balanced diet.

    Each to their own obviously, but I used to live on protein smoothies for breakfast and don’t see it being massively different in all honesty. You will get people saying that you should slave away in the kitchen instead but, honestly, fuck that.

  25. Honestly love Huel. Only ever order vanilla, don’t get bored of it. Huel and/or oats for breakfast, Huel for lunch (hate spending valuable work lunch time making/eating food, or stopping instead of knocking off early if I’m in the middle of something), and then I’m actually in the mood to cook (enough for tomorrow too, usually) something actually fun a few times a week instead of just going through the motions. I enjoy cooking *within limits* and thinking about/preparing three meals a day kills it for me.

    OTOH I work in tech so I’m one of those dudes.

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